Sentences with phrase «good explanation for this»

However, I'm unable to come up with a really good explanation for why.
Often, the data were noisy; there could be lots of ups and downs in population sizes, not always with good explanations for what happened.
I think the guy should have had a very good explanation for waiting that long to call.
Does anyone have a really good explanation for this because I don't.
Meanwhile it is obvious that the earth has seen much larger variations in temperature that have been observed in the last 150 years, and we lack good explanations for these variations.
Maybe it's both at once, and what better explanation for existence can there be than one of extreme contradictions held in uneasy tension?
It could be there is a perfectly good explanation for the one or two negative stories they are aware of.
With our Family Relocation Resignation Letter Template, you will be able to come up with better explanations for your resignation.
I find that science offers much better explanations for gravity, energy, emotions, evolution, the universe, and conscience, collaboration, photons, the evolution of eyes, and on and on it goes... I guess the point is... Prove that God exists, and we can talk.
Natural selection is a far better explanation for adaptations than purposive forces, especially considering that the better adapted a species is to its environment, the more certain becomes its extinction should the environment change (or in other words, natural selection is blind to the future).
WAPF has principled, rational guidelines on how to eat, and they give good explanations for what they believe.
There were several good explanations for why, including the one that was accurate with regard to the e-book in question — the rights had reverted back to the author so the publisher could no longer sell the e-book.
BTW, this is an even better explanation for the wider variance of GISS than the one you offer.
Before a woman gets pregnant, this might all sound like gibberish but there are actually very good explanations for everything.
The problem here is twofold: (1) scientists do have good explanations for Hancock's X's (for example, the pyramids, the Great Sphinx), even if they are not in total agreement, and (2) ultimately one's theory must rest on positive evidence in favor of it, not just negative evidence against accepted theories.
(I'm sure Lazaridis has a real good explanation for that, however).
Hidden inside this article is a perfectly good explanation for why the Ten Commandments, as much as many of us revere them, should not be enshrined as a government - approved position.
Sanandaji thinks that a much better explanation for the economic success of Scandinavia is culture.
But while the absence of Renner's character from the marketing mill has peeved his fans, there's a perfectly good explanation for it that doesn't involve death.
While it seems like any extra layers would slow a swimmer down, there's actually a really good explanation for it.
And there is a very good explanation for why I, and many other recent college grads, stir over such provoking questions.
-- The midlatitude storm tracks are predicted to shift poleward as climate warms (an expansion of the tropics), a positive feedback, observations are beginning to show evidence of that too, and there are several good explanations for why that should occur
«So it's just not credible that the best explanation for the outcome in those states — and therefore the election — was where I held rallies.»
The best explanation for the rise, according to the CEOs, is that oil hit an irrational bottom price of less than $ 35, and is now returning to normal.
Instead, the best explanation for the lack of downloads probably has to do with copyrights.
You can group the best explanations for the paradox into two distinct categories: one in which aliens don't exist, and we're completely alone in the universe, and one in which aliens do exist, but for some reason we haven't made contact.
Perhaps the best explanation for the reorganization to emerge so far comes from Business Insider, which cites sources who say that Page simply wanted to free himself of what he considers the boring day - to - day business of Google — that is, chasing more ad revenue.
I wonder what's the best explanation for why it is the way it is?
In a Bloomberg News story, Jim Koch, CEO of Boston Beer (maker of Sam Adams), offered what's probably the simplest and best explanation for why people are have been buying more Blue Moon, Sam Adams, and Fat Tire alike:
Both remain the best explanations for the observable evidence.
Nope, it's not proof, but it's a better explanation for violations of physical laws than I've heard from any atheist.
A theory is science's best explanation for the cause of that fact.
You need to pick up a dictionary and learn the difference between the casual meaning of «theory» in conversation (a rough guess), and the meaning of theory in science (the best explanation for a set of facts, that fits all known facts, makes predictions that are true, and has been reviewed and challenged and remains the most consistent explanation of all known facts).
I'm leaning toward (3), but could be talked out of it if anyone has a better explanation for this nonsense.
You know of a good explanation for cell's having what Dawkins admits amount to 1,000 complete sets of the Encyclopedia Britannica in their DNA?
Religious Differences on the Question of Evolution (United States) Percentage who agree that evolution is the best explanation for the origin of human life on earth Atheist / Agnostic 87 % Buddhist 81 % Hindu 80 % Secular unaffiliated 77 % Jewish 77 % Catholic 58 % Religious unaffiliated 55 % Orthodox 54 % Mainline Protestant 51 % Muslim 45 % Hist.
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