Sentences with phrase «good extent»

Therefore importance the positive side of your behavior is the best way for getting better extent of responses from the process of online dating.
Yet, this option assures protection to good extent with the features it has.
Quite the opposite, they still have a duty to operate their vehicle safely and avoid hitting crossing pedestrians to the very best extent that they can.
Suffice it to say, the part where the plot finally kicks in involves a «clever» twist that was done to much better extent in Hitchcock's masterpiece, Vertigo, except the way it is implemented here makes absolutely no sense, and could never in a million years work unless everyone in the film, including Richard, Priscilla, Richard's lawyer, the coroner, the judge, everyone on the jury, and the forensic examiner, were all complete, unequivocal idiots.
Director Carl Reiner (The One and Only, The Man with Two Brains) returns to spoofing noir once again, which he had done to a much better extent in his 1982 film, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.
And it is about the prophet who knows full well the extent of God's mercy and grace, and does not like it.
I would like to understand better the extent to which today's investor could realistically expect to improve his long - term returns by moving money from an S&P index to either a value index or a small - cap index.
Now that Reese has enough money to last a while, let's hope she'll be able to make something that utilizes her gifts as a comedienne, and an actress, to a much better extent.
Sheath silhouette, every refined detail is accented to best extent of charm.
To a good extent, working flexibly comes down to a single word: freedom.
Paul Weyrich — if you are not familiar with that name, you really ought to be — stays in the background to a good extent, but he's a terrifically important figure in American politics.
«If Steve decides to take further legal options, then the Safe Food Foundation will support him to the best extent that we're able to do so.»
I've been doing lots of research and have narrowed things down to a good extent to the smaller / low weight strollers that have reversible seats and can take car seats / prams.
I think the main goal is to control blood sugars and avoid the complications of diabetes to the best extent possible.
Apart from this it also helps to combat the hair fall up to a good extent.
We at the Samatva Yogalaya expect this behavior terminology to be understood and practiced sincerely and honestly by all students to the best extent possible.
It wouldn't be an abs program if I didn't show you the most effective exercises for developing your abdominals to the best extent possible.
Indian gooseberry, also known as Amla, helps in improving hair texture to a good extent.
They help in boosting up your hair volume and also improve your hair texture to a good extent.
Though only one - piece fabricated, yet cascading fitted satin can accent your shape to best extent.
He had not opted for some out of the box moments or unique ideas to carry the emotion rather he just stick to the same old way of portraying emotions and he succeeded well to a good extent having two of the best actors to play the two most important characters.
Kazan's screenplay thus draws upon a classical source and modernizes it with a present - day understanding of the biggest challenge to any relationship: figuring out the difference between wants and needs, and accommodating them to the best extent possible, with the goal of reaching a mutually satisfying balance.
What's more, with Fury Road being produced thirty years after the last Mad Max instalment, Miller is allowed to realise his vision to a bigger and better extent than ever before, mostly as a result of the major enhancements that have been made in computer generated effects since.
Frank is an interesting character, but Lee fails to explore him to a better extent.
While the first part has never been meant to become a reality, the second is to a good extent what Konami longs for and will possibly be in the months to come.
Education Week's Alyson Klein reports that Secretary DeVos told a gathering of secondary school principals on September 25 «that she wants to cut the federal red tape that she thinks is holding them back from serving students to the best extent possible,» and that «she'll...
The major bottleneck was in receiving translated script on time; constant follow - up has helped us to mitigate this risk to a good extent.
Education Week's Alyson Klein reports that Secretary DeVos told a gathering of secondary school principals on September 25 «that she wants to cut the federal red tape that she thinks is holding them back from serving students to the best extent possible,» and that «she'll encourage state and district leaders to give them as much autonomy as possible.»
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos told a roomful of secondary school principals Monday that she wants to cut the federal red tape that she thinks is holding them back from serving students to the best extent possible.
Its comparative performance with the index indicates that it has managed to replicate the underlying index to a good extent.
Apart from fighting bad breath, it prevents tooth decay, tartar build - up and also a lot of gum diseases to a good extent.
The Parvo ICU is the first program of its kind in the United States and works to save these highly adoptable puppies while containing costs to the best extent possible.
If pollution is a problem, and I sincerely think that it is to some, maybe a good extent, then fight pollution with anti-pollution legislation — not with global warming legislation and political agenda.
«Everyone works really hard and puts in long hours and is trying to represent their client's interests to the best extent possible, and so we really don't want to distract from that process,» says Miskie, adding that he wants to ensure the firm is offering efficient service to clients who are also asking about their KPI tracking.
Instead, medical attention focuses on preventing the injury from getting worse and on providing rehabilitation therapies to help the victim improve to the best extent possible.
'' It provides independent comprehensive advice to the Government... and other agencies to ensure that the law and administration of justice are kept up to date and serve (citizens) to the best extent possible.
To the best extent possible, engage in the experience.
At present our program follows this approach to a good extent, as did my own LRW learning.
This again describes my own LRW learning and, to a good extent, the programs I've worked with since then.
The business world is always looking for ways in which to fight cyber-crime; as a thought leader, how would you say legislation could be changed to do this to a better extent?
The Xperia Z1 is a much bigger phone with the state of the art processor, camera performance and pushed sales to a good extent.
Cover letter for kitchen porter availed with us can keep you're your interview call letter chances to a good extent successfully.
Keep up the tone of the cover letter in a pleasing manner and it should convey well your patience levels to a good extent as this quality is very much essential for this job.
Play more emphasized approach over your cover letter and improves your chances of selection to a good extent.
Additionally, I had maintained contact with students and parents while working in the school office which has developed my customer services acumen to a good extent.
One who is a career counselor should possess certain traits which will enable them to complete their job responsibilities and duties to the best extent possible.
To earn the most benefit from its host, real estate agents should look to leverage their social media position to the best extent possible, and that extent knows almost no limit.
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