Sentences with phrase «good foresight»

"Good foresight" refers to the ability to accurately predict or anticipate future events or outcomes. It implies being proactive and making wise decisions based on an understanding of how things may unfold in the future. Full definition
Foresight Magazine ™ provides opinion and expert advice drawn from both success as well as adversity and delivers actionable and insightful content and valuable tools that help you to gain better foresight into your investment and borrowing decisions.
A series of decisions based on Thiel's good foresight helped establish Clarium as a valuable hedge fund.
«She has very good foresight,» added Brown, an activist involved in local politics since Sen. Bernie Sanders» (I - Vt.)
While the island is very safe overall, taking such precautions is just good foresight.
To a greater degree, companies can have better foresight into the ideal buying scenarios which give them the best shot at winning.
De Gaulle had good foresight: the UK...
With good foresight and strategic planning, it could develop into a premier regional center for the study of drug response in Asians — a timely development toward better therapeutics for at least a third of the world's population.
BINNIG: Cal had good foresight and understood that things had to get smaller, and he was actually building scanning tunneling microscopes on semiconductor chips when we began working with him.
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