Sentences with phrase «good hygiene practices»

It can also be machine washed, making it convenient and efficient to maintain good hygiene practices.
A higher degree of close contact, sharing communal facilities and lower levels of good hygiene practice amongst children mean that schools can be the ideal setting for infections.
Good hygiene practices in schools can reduce the spread of these illnesses and allow school children the best possible opportunity for their education.
It is for this reason that parents should encourage good hygiene practices like hand washing.
Use good hygiene practices before and after handling animals or objects in the isolation area.
A higher degree of close contact, sharing communal facilities and, importantly, lower levels of good hygiene practice mean that schools can be the ideal setting for infections.
Always remember good hygiene practices, handle as you would any other raw meat.
Providing access to clean water, sanitary toilets and good hygiene practices reduces these diseases substantially.
It's important for Jiu - Jitsu athletes to follow good hygiene practices to your training partners and your academy.
Creating an antimicrobial environment in any classroom is also easy to do — all BioCote protected products featured throughout the study are commercially available and, coupled with good hygiene practices, provide the ideal solution to a cleaner, healthier environment for pupils and staff in educational environments.
Use good hygiene practices around the dog - always wash your hands after handling the dog or its feces, do not kiss the dog or allow the dog to lick you in the face, and do not sleep with the dog in your bed.
And more than 100 midwives trained by Kazi Yake now can instill good hygiene practices in new mothers, who then help prevent the spread of disease by passing these habits on to their kids.
It has never been easier to groom your dog, and maintain good hygiene practices.
«Vaccination, which helps boost memory immunity, and good hygiene practices are the best tools we have to prevent and combat the threat.
Healthy sleep habits include turning off electronics, having good hygiene practices, light stretching, practicing gratitude, journaling and prayer time, and spending time with family.
TB was the subject of the first mass health education campaign; disinfectants and good hygiene practices (such as no spitting in public) prevented the spread of disease
Public sanitation programs and best hygiene practices were utilized around the same time — early 20th century — and these greatly contributed to the reduction of typhoid fever as well.
You can prevent your family from being infected by some common sense, good hygiene practices.
Good hygiene practices and routine parasite screening of pets can reduce the risk of human parasitism.
While some of these diseases may receive a lot of press, many others are more common and can be prevented with veterinary care and good hygiene practices.
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