Sentences with phrase «good impression of someone»

Instead of just a picture and emails you can see what a person really looks like, sounds like, and you get an immediate better impression of what their personality is like.
Although that rear panel does a very good impression of brushed metal, it's actually plastic.
The actual experience leaves our guests with a pretty good impression of who and what we are all about.
Getting it off was SO hard, so I don't have good impressions of grass cloth.
What I have seen from the outside doesn't give me a very good impression of it.
Negotiations between individuals with similar scores on agreeableness and extroversion tended to go more smoothly, finish more quickly and leave both parties with better impressions of the other than negotiations between dissimilar individuals, Matta said.
But let's try: Give this young woman the hands - down award for best impression of Bela Lugosi while hampered by a 38 - inch bust line.
But you get a pretty good impression of what's going on, anyhow.
I have a really good impression of Zurich since we landed.
Of course, the only real reason for anyone to want three celery sticks is to make an «A» that Hester Prynne could have worn on the planet Krypton or to do a surprisingly good impression of a walrus leading an orchestra.
The stepped CVT does a fairly good impression of a conventional automatic gearbox, with reasonable responses and a fairly natural feel to the way the revs rise and fall, while the V6 itself is smooth and very quiet.
With these images we get an even better impression of the 5.4 — 5.9 mm slimness of this Android tablet.
Yet the Radical RXC does a very good impression of steering and riding like a road car.
And when really dark times come, she prays for help, opens The Habit of Being, and does her very best impression of Doris Day.
Peers would be people who know you and have a overall good impression of you.
IS DODGERS ROOKIE MATT KEMP THE NEXT JEFF FRANCOEUR?Kemp, who hit seven home runs in his first 45 major league at bats, is doinghis best impression of the Braves» Francoeur (seven homers in his first 63 atbats as a rookie last year).
The performances were recorded live and they are amazingly good impressions of the true horror of FFJ's original.»
Of course, these auditions feature talented cast members like Kate McKinnon, Pete Davidson, Leslie Jones, Mikey Day, Alex Moffat, Kenan Thompson and host Bill Hader merely putting on their (mostly) best impressions of famous faces from 1992.
Mark Wahlberg is doing a really good impression of Andy Samberg's impression of Mark Wahlberg that he used to do while on Saturday Night Live.
There are 2 reasons why the most effective way to create a lasting good impression of your program is to reward participants immediately upon completion with recognition of their achievement:
The wave and crowd is El Salvador's best impression of Lowers.
Unlike War, we are also given a much better impression of Death's emotional state throughout the course of the story.
Grab the attention of a hiring manager right from the beginning and don't forget that you have just 25 few seconds to convey a good impression
Largely patches of velvet are being used within the bottom part of the frocks for good impression of the color comparison and to offer attractive appearance.
In fact, as Sobel and his colleagues demonstrated in a 2007 experiment, humans can do a pretty good impression of a bloodhound.
They were without much of their squad on Sunday so we will get a much better impression of them in Week 2 when they take on Team Wolter.
After starting out in 1981 chasing the Toyota Cressida as one of the first, large - size, rear - wheel - drive luxury sedans to arrive in the U.S. from Japan, the Maxima came closest to reaching its target in 1989 when the third - generation Maxima pulled off a surprisingly good impression of a BMW, only with front - wheel drive and a budget price.
Turned upside down the curling leaves give a fairly good impression of a holiday tree.
If you came into the bathroom one day to find a colleague standing in front of the mirror, hands on hips, shoulders spread wide, doing her best impression of Wonder Woman about to save the world, your first thought would probably be to back out slowly.
Here's how Hamill said Lucas broke the news, while doing his best impression of the «Star Wars» director:
«It was probably only because I did a good impression of Stephen Colbert — I knew the show so well, I knew the style.
That way, when the job is offered, the recruit already has a good impression of the company and is engaged with the hiring team.
It helps reclaim old traffic and, above all, gives Google a better impression of the overall average quality of your site.
Both Telegram and Slack channels can provide a good impression of a crypto project, simply by probing the flow of communications.
Eric: A good many of the atheists who show up here are, if not angry, at least giving a very good impression of it.
I'm skipping over the melancholy songs on iTunes and finding the music to which I can do my best impression of an electrocuted - monkey - crossed - with - a-jellyfish.
The long dining table was giving its best impression of Dresden circa 1945, if Germany was made of napkins, spoons, glasses and tortilla chips.
Right about now, Dave DeWitt is doing his best impression of a chicken missing its noggin.
«I have a good impression of the three - day exhibition and I am quite satisfied with the national pavilion of each wine country.
The last time we made a video together I made a quick simple ragu and then did my best impression of a deer in the headlights for 4 minutes.
Willock looks to be clearly out of his depth and Bellerin is doing a good impression of Gervinho's best «headless chicken» routine!!
Dany Ric gives us his best impression of British TV legend Attenborough and to be honest, it's actually pretty damn awesome.
The team lacks confidence now, everyone is jittery and so prone to mistakes... strikers missing chances they will put away with their eyes close, defenders trying too hard not to make mistakes and then end up doing just that, the midfield does it best impression of «who can have moat possessions and do eff all with it», the manager is confused, jaded and out of ideas....
Is Ed Hochuli trying to do his best impression of the replacement referees?
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