Sentences with phrase «good indicator»

The phrase "good indicator" means something that gives a helpful or reliable sign or clue about something else. Full definition
And, well, in many cases, external appearance can be a pretty good indicator of how well someone takes care of themselves physically.
And because we're the target audience, our own opinions are usually relatively good indicators for how well a product is going to do.
Our research over 30 years in thousands of executive hires indicates that skills and experiences are not good indicators of success in a job.
The wolf's ability to reclaim some of its territory is as good an indicator as any of wild nature's resilience in the face of human pressures.
This means they're a pretty good indicator of what is happening across the mortgage industry.
But at the same time, having a sizable collection of people willing to give a candidate $ 50,000 is also a very good indicator of future success.
These coats are also good indicators of problems on your dog.
If you stick to showing key achievements for each role, you can avoid clutter and resume mistakes and still provide good indicators of your skills.
Height is a much better indicator for fit then age or weight since kids can grow at very different rates!
That's not always the case, but good experiences with former employees are often good indicators of what you can expect from them when hiring them back.
«Many human resources professionals believe that how a person has performed in the past is the single best indicator of how they will perform for you at your business,» he said.
These figures will likely change for the production car, but they serve as good indicator in the meantime.
This correlation between home prices and mortgage rates was highly significant, and a far better indicator of rising home prices than the fed - funds rate.
The long - running and widely cited report is a fairly good indicator of what's happening across the mortgage market, where underwriting is concerned.
So organic acids give us really good indicators of what pathways aren't working properly.
I was most interested in the effect of gender on three assessments that appear to be particularly good indicators of academic development.
The balance of opinion reached its highest level in five years and indicates that, by a solid margin, businesses across the country saw better indicators of future sales than 12 months ago.
This portion is an even better indicator of how Lara has changed in the time between games and it's definitely for the better.
«When I think about what are likely good indicators of future technology trends, I pick younger demographics over older demographics every time,» he said.
Company history, number of years in business, number of users, and service support are all good indicators of products that are worth your time, effort, and money.
While this method is not absolute, it's a very good indicator most of the time.
And birds haven't been good indicators throughout the country.
Just like with its predecessor, I found myself smiling and laughing constantly while playing this game, and I think that's a pretty darn good indicator that this one is a winner.
While he's not announcing when or if he will officially work on the title, there's certainly enough good indicators that he will be developing the game sometime in the near future.
One area that states seem to struggle is with defining good indicators that can reflect college and career readiness.
You can answer the three questions with a single price chart and a few good indicators.
As your cat grows during its first year, you may notice changes in its behavior that are good indicators for when your cat has hit adulthood.
All very good indicators for a great control experience.
I'd argue that when assessing financial independence, the percentage of an individual's regular yearly expenses that are covered by their yearly passive income stream is a much better indicator of progress.
These frogs are often good indicators of environmental health, being particularly sensitive to toxins and changes in climate.
... qualifying for life insurance pretty difficult because how well one «functions» in society is a pretty good indicator for life insurance companies on how «healthy» one is.
BMI problematic but better indicator in sedentary younger to middle age.
The long - running and widely cited report is a fairly good indicator of what's happening across the mortgage market, where underwriting is concerned.
The presence on the faculty of successful, true physician - scientists is an even better indicator.
The silver - to - gold and the platinum - to - gold ratios are good indicators of where the prices of each metal is headed.
Longevity and retention are not always good indicators of a convivial working environment — a good working environment is determined by many different factors.
The Merger Fund dropped 31 basis points — a very good indicator on how the arbs are doing.
We favor a basket of vital signs that would likely include impact - oriented goals (perhaps GMT, although high latitude temperatures are probably better indicators) as well as goals that are more closely connected to what governments, firms, and humans actually do.
No. 5: Price - to - rent and price - to - income ratios show over-valuation in the Canadian market, but valuation levels are not usually good indicators of turning points.
«Your gut is a pretty good indicator when something's not right in your relationship.
I think that for Motorola to lash out at Samsung like this is a pretty good indicator at just how bad they are struggling.
Scientists made a surprising discovery on their mission to find better indicators for impending volcanic eruptions: it looks like tree rings may be able to predict eruptions, report the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL and the ETH Zurich.

Phrases with «good indicator»

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