Sentences with phrase «good job lost»

I had a good job lost it when my wife died from cancer now I've lost the house we bought together.
Good job losing a life long customer.
Good job losing a life long customer.
Good job losing 300 money units and getting rammed in the butt, with losing support in features that your console came with.

Not exact matches

While a lower unemployment rate is certainly better than a higher one, the rate doesn't capture workers who've quit looking for a job, part - time workers who wish to work full - time, or workers who've experienced a significant wage reduction in a new job after they lost their old one.
And two - thirds of respondents are okay with taxi driver and call center jobs being lost if it means access to better transportation and customer service.
Chris Krewson, an editor for Philadelphia publication Billy Penn, has spotted a survey module right underneath a post by the Philadelphia Inquirer about a white nationalist (and well - known pistachio vendor) losing her job.
«We would have people call that they were hit by the recession, maybe they lost their job or business wasn't as good as it had been, so they'd want to sell their machine guns» Goepfert says.
The good news on job openings follows the Labor Department's announcement last week that the U.S. economy officially recovered all 8.7 million jobs that were lost during the recession.
People aren't stupid, and trying to paint them all with the same brush or compensate them all in roughly the same way is the quickest way to lose your best people and demotivate even the good ones, who stay while they're looking for their next job.
A lot of my good friends lost their jobs at Ford.
«The cost to go out if we lost all those people to retrain and get people that were as good at doing a job as they were pre-fire, I think it would have been tenfold over what we ended up paying them out.
Although Mayer hasn't lost her job, she did get dinged by Yahoo's board and will not get her 2016 cash bonus as well as other financial perks.
Even if one worker loses a job because of a robot, that's better than 40 workers losing their jobs if a warehouse gets closed, she explained.
For example, if you lose your job for refusing to lie for your boss, despite the fact that you do good work and are a good employee, you'll leave knowing you made the right decision... and confident that you can find something better.
It's much better to create at least a 15 percent buffer, so if less jobs are created for any reason, your investors do not suffer by losing out on the jobs required for their green card application to be approved.
«When a woman has a choice between being an employee, especially when this is associated with an attractive salary, job stability, good benefits and even high social approval, she is taking a greater risk in entering entrepreneurship; she has to forego this opportunity in order to be an entrepreneur, and therefore has more to lose,» says Kelly.
As we near 10 percent unemployment nationwide (and go well past it in some areas of the country), the fear of losing a job or the sting of having already lost one is encouraging more people to own their own business.
Because of this, we will continue to lose well - paying jobs, further hollowing out the middle class, and creating even greater income inequality.
They well know that they may lose their jobs during the next major downsizing.
In a dynamic economy, businesses are born, grow, and die; jobs are created and lost; and resources are reshuffled according to their best use.
You're also probably losing some good employees, if not to other jobs, then at least to disengagement and lack of interest.
«We must tackle the underlying causes of deteriorating liquidity and the financing in venture markets soon,» says Russell, «or run the risk of losing the best source of capital to grow small - and medium - sized Canadian businesses into globally competitive enterprises that drive job creation, innovation and economic growth.»
«Most people do behave quite well, especially these days; nobody's interested in losing their jobs,» says Olen.
Losing China's market could mean sacrificing better jobs for less desirable ones.
By investing in commercial real estate for the long - term, I now have enough cash flow where if I lose my real job, I have enough income in perpetuity to get by pretty well, not at my current standard of living, but at an above average existence.
While it's possible that the resulting economic development would make up for those losses, even 50,000 well - paying jobs might not make up for billions in lost tax revenue.
The silver lining as you have described so well, is the return to more regional economic activity and that, it would seem, ultimately brings back the manufacturing jobs lost to the overseas manufacturing sector.
Although money was tight, losing my job turned out to be a blessing in disguise.Staying at home to enjoy my children was the best thing that could have happened to me.
In six years since the Conservatives have arrived, we've lost 500,000 good - paying manufacturing jobs, more than half of them because of the fact that we're not internalizing the environmental costs.
Not merely a collection of good ideas, this book spells out the 67 timeless principles and practices used by the world's most successful men and women — proven principles and strategies that can be adapted for your own life, whether you want to be the best salesperson in your company, become a leading architect, score top grades in school, lose weight, buy your dream home, make millions, or just get back in the job market.
Having financial freedom makes you a better employee as you can be much more productive without worries of losing your job.
Of course, this ride has been rocky as well, with the index rallying following news implying a Fed delay, like the weak September jobs report, and then losing steam in early November after upbeat October jobs data increased expectations of a December hike.
Glen Elder, the sociologist at the University of North Carolina, who's done field work in Baltimore, said, «At a lower level of skill, if you lose a job and don't have fathers or brothers with jobs — if you don't have a good social network — you get drawn back into the street.
For every investment banker whose pay has recovered to its prerecession levels, there are several who have lost their jobs — as well as many wealthy investors who have lost millions.
That may sound like a European social democrat's nightmare, but Mr. Ratcliffe takes a longer view, explaining that if the lost money had instead been invested in new capacity, the company would be healthier, employees» jobs more secure and better - paying because the plant would be profitable.
Those who lost their jobs as well had no choice but to take whatever they could to survive.
«While Americans do respond to the arguments that American jobs are being lost to low price imports and that the US should push for better trade deals, the counter arguments — that tariffs could hurt the solar industry overall, and that there is a risk of starting a trade war — do better,» notes Steve Kull, the director of University of Maryland's PPC.
I think this guy is suing because he lost his job... not because those around him do not believe the way he does... you are kind of making a good point just for the wrong side.
Risking goverment shut down for three items that don't even affect the budget for a small miniorty radicals in a religion and the insane tea party knowing full well shut down will cause thousands of jobs lost and the end of aid for those who need it is completely ridiculous, why don't they care for the majority that voted them in and not a small insignificant group?
Good lord, so his lack of belief in a mythical being caused him to lose his job?
If an actor decided to behave for a year as if pretending to be other people was wrong, I'm pretty sure he'd lose any jobs he'd have, as well.
So if you're a soldier, or if you're working for a company that has a history of exploiting workers, well there may come a point when you might lose your job.
Even Moses, the scribes, Job, and the pharisee's lost their arguments as well.
They put their greed before the good of their companies, and almost destroyed our economy, then used our tax dollars to save themselves while millions lost their jobs, their homes, and their futures.
Should the course you follow be exactly the same regardless of whether (1) you are loved in return, (2) the marriage is a good one, (3) there are children, (4) the children, if any, are small / grown up, (5) the emotional and social consequences for all concerned parties will probably be devastating, (6) you stand a good chance of losing your job if you interfere in the marriage, or (7) you / the wife accidentally becomes pregnant?
One of the earliest books written in the Bible is about a good man named Job who loses everything — his children, his business, his possessions — to the sort of tragedies insurance companies call «acts of God.»
Those who know me well enough know that I have often lost fans, followers and members, and even my job, for not being careful about what I say.
Cheerleaders do a good job of praising you for the win and encouraging you even when you lose, but marriage takes a little more than that.
That we need to start a revolution because Obama won... this is why the republicans lost... catering to the extreme far right, extreme religiious, extreme Tea Baggers... the tea partty members in the house will continue to create more problems for the GOP untill they show they are going to work with this President instead of against him... Boenher better get a grip on his House or he will find himself out of a job... and the GOP better distance themselves from this NUT CASE TRUMP...
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