Sentences with phrase «good little sheep»

Maybe you should grow a damn back bone and follow her good path or remain the good little sheep and stay ignorant.
Terri Yes be a good little sheep.
They will proceed straight to the Gop nominee and vote for him like the good little sheep they are.
So the lay need to either be good little sheep or GET OUT OF THE CHURCH Not so.

Not exact matches

The atheists love calling us sheep and I say... «yes, I am of the flock of the Good Shepherd»; every time I hear them call out «sheep» it reminds me of how Jesus goes out into the desert to find even one lost sheep and to do so He leaves the 99 others... those lost sheep are being found every day... some try to hide in the darkest places but all they need to see is just a little Light and they lose their fear.
His son has taken steps away from his daddy dearest and raised up a good number of churches to yes fleece his sheep by introducing state of the art issues such as holographic imaging and stage lights and props made to «impress» his emotionally dysfunctional masses all seeking a little societal excitement!
The first is from the well - known passage in Isaiah 11: 6 - 9: «The wolf shall dwell with the lamb: and the leopard shall lie down with the kid: the calf and the lion, and the sheep shall abide together, and a little child shall lead them... the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
I need to get to work;) Good luck with your little sheep herder... adorable!
And for the best bait take the black blood from a sheep's heart and flour and honey; moisten them with water until a little softer than paste, and smear on the red worm.
We've had a bit of a rough go in our barn with our own flock this past week, and I've found myself in the barn for more hours than I can count, trying to puzzle it out and nursing one of our sheep back to her feet (I'm happy to say she's well once again, little Thalia).
And if you don't like it, well, the hospital — sneer — is the sort of place for puritanical little sheep like you.
While sheep might not have the same appeal (well, depending on where you're from...) as the little green - haired creatures, the gameplay might entice some.
Picking at ideas of love among the soulless, of souls among the manmade, of unicorns versus sheep, Villeneuve channels Dick by way of Scott as well as a bit of James Cameron and more than a little Spike Jonze.
Those guys are counting on you being a lazy little sheep that just shows up at their sites because you don't know any better.
«Little does he know that the fans in the West are gullible sheep that swallow whatever their corporate overloads give them because they believe the overloads know what's best for them!»
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