Sentences with phrase «good motivator»

A "good motivator" is someone who inspires and encourages others to work hard and achieve their goals. Full definition
Showing off is good motivator for using heavier weights or working harder.
If ever there was a time to put into practice «Arry's supposed finest attribute as a manager - that of being a devilishly good motivator of men - then perhaps this weekend is that time.
She and others who have optical and cognitive abilities can easily deduce that the self confessed non confrontationalist is not a very good motivator besides his tactical inadequacies and inability to build and forge a PL or UCL winning side in 12 years.
Doesn't matter how good a motivator someone is — at the end of the day some games just aren't going to feel as big and it showed.
These may seem like good motivators to wrapping up toilet training, but pressuring yourself or your child to meet a milestone when you have tons of other major things to focus on doesn't sound like a winning combination to me.
Although a lot of the racing action do become monotonous after a while, the pure thrill of getting new weapons later on in the game is actually a pretty good motivator.
The sound of your voice and the movement of the puppet are good motivators for your baby to practice important developmental skills like lifting his head and tracking movement with his eyes.
We need to hire a very good motivator to help this slow motion Wenger to drive this team.
What was true then that still holds true now, that could possibly be a good motivator and reignite your creative spark?
The keys to being a good motivator are: clear communication, training, and appreciation.
He came across a Princeton study that showed money ceases to be a good motivator at the $ 75,000 mark — where it then quickly reaches a point of diminishing returns.
In the race to merge these outsized expectations with reality, you conflate your own identity with that of your company's, which is at once the best motivator and a recipe for emotional disaster.
«Whether you're managing others or being managed, engendering trust will bode well for your work life and advancement: you'll be given more responsibility; be a better motivator; attract and retain better employees and clients; and will be a more credible leader.»
Too often their response was that fear was the best motivator.
We realized that paying attention to how the phone use makes us feel, rather than placing stringent limits on phone use, would be a better motivator for putting the phone down and paying attention to one another.
As you work to find the best motivators for your team, remember that you're going to need to make adjustments and changes as you discover what works and what doesn't.
Additionally, a prevention goal is also a better motivator when an individual slips up or has a setback because they «feel anxious about not maintaining their new habit and they become more vigilant.»
You are a good motivator of up coming entrepreneurs and you have the skill and knowledge to do it.
«This company is filled with incredibly smart individuals and leaders, all of whom teach me something new every day — how to be a better manager, a better problem solver, a better recruiter, a better motivator
And the Bible certainly teaches of the wrath of God, and for some, fear can be a good motivator.
Unconditional and infinite love is one of the best motivators to spur us on toward Christ - like living.
I will wholly agree that love is the best motivator (and evangelism toll) but fear can help, too.
With that all said I can't agree more that Hell is not the best motivator («don't go there») but love, Grace & the mercy of God is.
My love for food and cooking is the best motivator to stay active.
Although I had the best motivator possible, it was still really, really hard... especially in the first trimester when all that would make me feel better was carbs.
It would be the best motivator for anyone to get up in the AM!
Ultimately, increased profit can be the best motivator for producers to pursue sustainability and certification.
I know they're big leaguers and shouldn't need other influences to motivate — but anger and humiliation are good motivators.
mourinho is just a better motivator.
He was a better motivator too.
From a managerial perspective, I would say that something is: having a well balanced team, being a good motivator, employing good tactics and having the right players for the system that Ranieri wants to play.
I can also point towards Wenger not being the best motivator yet in his motivated teams we had a cptn who would rally his troops, again the 2 best ones was Adams and Vieira.
«He is a good motivator, has good work habits, a clean character and is well liked by his teammates.»
But what ended up being the best motivator was telling my kids that I was doing the challenge — especially Laurel, since we had just had a conversation about the challenging nature of defensive driving.
None of which are good motivators.
In addition to a lot of praise and encouragement when he uses or even just sits on the potty, material rewards can be a good motivator.
If you are sure that a child is developmentally ready to toilet train, but just doesn't want to give up the convenience of using diapers, introducing underwear that is exciting (we used superheroes) and requires using the toilet if he wants to keep them can be a good motivator.
Kids can be good motivators; as they do cartwheels in the field you can run around the track.
Any savings will help you keep costs down, and if you usually pay a quarter per diaper, a good motivator is to drop a quarter in a jar every time you change a cloth diaper.
Love is a good motivator - it encourages people to work hard in their profession (to support their family and put food on the table) or become a better, stable person, take responsibility for his or her actions, etc..
For example, if your kid has after school activities, have them work on homework before or after dinner (having screen time be contingent on completing homework time can be a good motivator!).
What's a better motivator than love?
Profit is a good motivator, and can be implemented far more easily than say having a state police apparatus that punishes people for not working.
«The best motivator is still public support or public disapproval,» Cuomo said in Rochester on May 18.
«The best motivator is still public support or public disapproval,» Cuomo said in Rochester on May 18th.
She says of the Leshner fellowship: «It's kind of like having a personal trainer... You know what you're supposed to do, but when you have someone who's cheering you on and providing support, that really is a good motivator
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