Sentences with phrase «good news for authors»

That could be good news for authors who make up for a loss in mass - market sales with increases in e-book sales.
And, finally, it's not good news for authors and publishers.
That is good news for authors of all length titles.
Good news, as it turns out, is not necessarily good news for authors and publishers who are trying to do some book marketing in the media.
This is especially good news for authors, who use Kindle Direct Publishing.
In a way that's good news for authors because an eBook can't be resold, traded or given away like a print book.
If so, that could be spell good news for authors targeted by digital pickpockets, and bad news for the pirates.
Even more good news for authors who are self - publishing on the Kindle platform is that Amazon now offers a free Kindle reading app that anyone can download to enable reading Kindle books on a variety of devices including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
That's probably good news for authors and publishers who are currently contemplating book promotion campaigns and for book publicists.
So e-books are actually stimulating readership, but moving those readers farther into the e-backlist, which is good news for authors with books that have become available in e-book formats.
There's good news for any author who's ever received a horrible review of his book: bad news travels fast, and a new study Beihang University in China proves it.
That attempt at an anti-trust monopoly ultimately failed, which was good news for authors and publishers alike, but this article referred to similar tactics Amazon has been employing with traditional publishers for even longer, which I found interesting.
They are lighter, faster, have colour, more versatitle and more affordable than any other of their competitors and it's good news for authors.
What is important to remember is that bloggers are not usually paid to be part of the blog tour, so this is good news for the author; however, they will gain an increase in blog traffic and more people will learn about their blog, so they have much to gain by hosting.
The good news for authors is...
The good news for authors is that today there are many ways to publish a book other than the traditional publishing method, including self - publishing.
Here is good news for authors: some publishers are creating portals for readers in -LSB-...]
This is good news for authors and great news for readers.
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