Sentences with phrase «good next step»

Providing education, employment, and rehabilitation services to a broad array of clients, assessing individual needs, determining best next steps, and facilitating significant transitions.
It's pretty cool, and arguably a very good next step from the updates we've already got!
While it is a common phenomenon when shifting a classroom culture, choosing to wait for the last scholars often has less to do with the scholars and more often manifests a teacher's struggle to identify what best next steps to use to get the final scholars «with them.»
My experience includes responding swiftly and efficiently to dispatched emergency assignments, and subsequently performing condition assessment to identify best next steps for optimal patient care.
-LSB-...] good next step after seeing the liquids stay separate is this milk curdling experiment from Science Sparks in which the milk itself actually separates.
Communicating closely with teachers to identify needs and determine best next steps to efficiently and successfully meet their goals.
Sometimes, agent querying is the very best next step to publication — sometimes, though, querying isn't the route that will lead to the most success in publication.
That's a good next step, but you're not home yet.
Places like golf courses and tennis often ban bottles, so canned craft beer is a good next step to expand the market.
During our meeting, I'll answer your questions, provide suggestions, offer resources, and take you through a detailed process to determine the best next steps for you.
A consistent content plan is one of the best next steps once your store is up and running.
By placing the increasingly complex buyers journey in a visual context, sales teams gain the clarity they need to identify critical knowledge gaps, potential risks, and common delay indicators so they can take the best next step to increase win ratios and reduce deal slippage.
If you're struggling to pay off your debt, you might want to consider signing up for a government - approved credit counseling program to figure out what the best next step is for you.
But it's also the person who follows up with other members on how guests responded to the evening and what might be a good next step.
This is the best next step for children who have outgrown a traditional seat.
Talking to your pediatrician would be a good next step in evaluating his development.
Once you've confirmed your child's diagnosis, a good next step is to contact your pediatrician and school district to set up early intervention services.
«Sleep disruption is even more pronounced in Alzheimer's,» says Mander, «so a good next step will be to see if sleep disruption in these populations is associated with their memory symptoms.
Having said that, this is probably a better next step than another conventional academic postdoc, so keep your options open.
The best next step if you have 20 or more pounds (and some old ideas about weight loss) to lose is Fit U. Enrollment is open right now and it's 50 % off.
At the end of the GA call, you have the opportunity to decide if moving forward with a committed nutrition plan is the best next step to feeling better.
Fortunately, most states now require newborn thyroid screening in order for parents to take the best next steps for their babies.
For students who want to dive deeper into yoga, taking advantage of events like these is a good next step.
We would be happy to speak with you and help you to get your skin clear The best next step would be to hop online to schedule a 15 minute complimentary consult, or you can schedule a 360 - Complexion Analysis so we could thoroughly discuss your situation and provide information about our natural acne program.
She will answer your questions about earning your Health Coach Certification, talk with you about if it is a good fit with your career and help you determine the best next step.
So, if you get confused, the best next step is always to move an interaction toward a date.
All these tests provide valuable data that teachers can use to establish where students are in their long - term learning, diagnose individual strengths and weaknesses, identify the best next steps for action, decide on appropriate evidence - based interventions, monitor the progress students make over time, and evaluate the effectiveness of their own teaching decisions and approaches.
The best next step was to get some of my friends from the United States and the United Kingdom and introduce them to my students.
But for now, deliberate and swift administration action on Title II regulations is the best next step to advance these aims.
The commission will oversee research and conduct a listening tour to determine the best next steps to improve the Jackson's schools, and avoid a state takeover.
Teaching that adapts to pupils» needs is more efficient, because effort is focused on the best next step, and is not wasted by rehearsing skills or content that a child already knows well.
Coaching Focused: Nancy helps teachers and leaders move toward their goals through the best next step approach.
I argue that the best next steps are three-fold: first, to build and fund magnet schools in urban centers; second to replace pro-suburban standards for evaluating schools with standards for quality schools based on scientific research; and third, replacing members of the metropolitan planning committees and commissions with qualified professionals without a conflict of interest in real - estate.
What's a good next step?
At the end, she stated that taking a few classes on world building might be a good next step.
Good idea — best next step is to do all the processing on the Kindle, obviously.
We'll always tell you what we think your best next step should be.
Book a free Book Marketing Breakthrough Session with me to talk through your challenges and what your best next step should be.
If you're struggling to pay off your debt, you might want to consider signing up for a government - approved credit counseling program to figure out what the best next step is for you.
Your best next step is to call the credit card company and share this story.
Given the fact that Canada's highest paid 100 CEOs make, on average, 193 times more than the average worker, revisiting this tax expenditure would be a good next step in tax reform.

Phrases with «good next step»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z