Sentences with phrase «good of others»

Love, after all, is a permanent and unqualified commitment to the true good of the other person, and the native tongue of commitment is precisely promises.
I can ask questions just as well of other writers and friends.
AT THIS TIME of goodwill and cheer, it is nice to see people speaking well of others.
Mine is that of able - bodied adults who are to freely choose a path towards a greater good of others involving suffering along the way.
At the heart of every classroom stands a hero, a teacher willing to face every challenge and sacrifice for the greater good of others.
The list includes Link, Zelda, Mega-man, and Ike as well of others from Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus.
Make all reasonable efforts to foster a positive relationship between the child and other parent, always speaking well of the other parent to the child
According to a study from the Harvard Business School and the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, people think better of others when they ask for advice primarily because people like to give others advice.
Promotion to a management position also speaks very well of others» faith in your leadership abilities, especially if it happened fairly quickly after you began working at a particular company.
musims are persecuted because they ARE ignorant as well of other cultures...
As Islam recognizes its vocation to be just a religion in situations where it is a minority faith, the quality of Islamic faith in its cohesion and understanding of compassion can contribute to the common good of other faiths as well.
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Here's one of the most powerful methods there is to turn on your inner Thomas Edison and tap into the creative well of others, too.
Speaking well of the other parent, affirming the other parent's love for the child, finding ways to hold the child close to the other parent — these are all ways of staying on the same side of the attachment magnet.
Americans are notoriously nice and want to think well of others, and are therefore eager to believe such assurances, even if they are not true.
-- Karl Malden and Marlon Brando in One - Eyed Jacks: «We Had the Very Best of Each Other»
I may not like many of Obama's policies and failed promises - actually, I do not and I did not vote for him - but I hold him in very high regard as a man who tends to speak well of other people (yes, he's said some careless things occasionally, but only occasionally), who clearly loves and respects his family, who tries to take the high road in dealings with others.
Or as Ribstein and Bainbridge suggest, to the extent the firm owed a duty of loyalty, did the duty lie to the greater good of the other partners?
In his book «Humilitas: A Lost Key to Life, Love and Leadership,» Macquarie University professor John Dickson defines the trait as «the noble choice to forgo your status, deploy your resources or use your influence for the good of others before yourself.»
And so, please, think of me as well with tenderness, so that I can fulfill the task I have been given for the good of the other, of each and every one, of all of you, of all of us.»
And that'll determine who gets the best of the other team.
One side does not believe this... the other side does, yet still science can still be done for the good of others... either way God is glorified...
But celibacy dramatizes for us that the source of unity in love is the total giving of two wills, focused on the good of the other.
To self «giving communion, willing wholly the good of the other as other, giving of self freely and in accord with the creative will of the Creator, nothing else in the experience of the race comes close.
By willing the good of the other» that is, by self «giving love» male and female become one in spirit, will, and truth.
The unity with God that constitutes Paradise is to will the good of the other, to be one with God's own love for all.
The only trustworthy path, experience had shown the young Wojtyla, is self «donating will, willing the good of the other, no matter how one feels.
We are endeavoring to discover if a community of faith can exist purely for the good of others.
In True and False Reform in the Church (a seminal 1950 work disappointingly never mentioned in any of the books under review), the Catholic theologian Yves Cougar argued that the first condition for genuine church reform was charity — caritas, that selfless, unsentimental love that wills only the good of the other.
Paul offers a helpful, two - sided approach to seeking the good of others.
If you believe in heaven, you'll also sacrifice pleasures in this world, and maybe even your life, for the good of others.
But then would it be Satanism if you thought first of the good of others?
In choosing each other, the couple involved have excluded all others: their love is necessarily «possessive» in a good sense, because they are now fused into each other; this self giving, the one to the other, holding nothing back, seeking the good of the other and in so doing finding their own happiness, this is their path to holiness.
More and more, society mistrusts leaders whose chief interests are their own agendas and authority; more and more, people are looking for leaders whose first interest is the good of others.
Since love is unmotivated, unselfish, creative, and always seeks the good of others, those who practice non-violence will return good for evil and forgiveness for hate.
This game can rob precious time and resources that has been given by God to us to steward for His glory and the good of others.
The great commandments explicitly connect uncompromising worship of God (loving God with all one's heart) with making the good of others equal to that of the self (loving the neighbor as one loves himself).
For caritas shows itself as mercy to sinners, and it is love aimed at the real, not the apparent, good of the other.
If man was to be redeemed, human nature must be changed from within, by the total offering of aninnocent mind and will for the sake of goodness and for the good of others.
A sense of chivalry was associated with the Knights of Malta from its very origins, encouraging its members to go to great lengths in acting for the good of others.
To the contrary, a greater awareness of our distinctiveness that comes from confidence in the gospel can encourage us to work to strengthen the social fabric for the good of others.
Thus Jews are not the only group that is «a people,» and that also works to their good and the good of others.
To love is to will the good of the other as other.
In the biblical logic of otherness, the one is meant for the good of the other.
I can not put into words the suffering of denying your own emotions for the good of others.
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