Sentences with phrase «good oratory»

I am a big fan of good oratory and as a student in the early 1980s used to take girlfriends to see a Tony Benn speech for a good night out.
That leathery old haggis wouldn't have made it as my groupie even when she was 20, no matter how good her oratory skills are.»

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When we say the residents of this upscale Westmount neighbourhood are blessed, we're not just talking about their $ 590,000 average annual household income; this leafy enclave is tucked into the hill directly behind Montreal's spectacular St. Joseph's Oratory, giving them easy access to the divine and a sweeping view of the city as well.
Most good leaders often are adept at leading teams and organizations with intense, persuasive and empathetic communication and oratory skills.
Presidential oratory provides much of the supporting evidence for McDougall's ideas about civil religion, from President William McKinley's implication that the United States had not so much conquered Cubans as it had ministered to them («Are we not made better for the effort and sacrifice, and are not those we serve lifted up and blessed?»)
The African reality of a wholistic as opposed to a secular and a sacred life, the place of the black church as sole as well as «soul» refuge during slavery, and the gift of oratory made the preacher the symbolic head and heart of his people.
Dropping the mic would necessitate cultivating the art of classical oratory as well as constructing sanctuaries designed to carry the human voice, just as the use of the microphone (I would suggest) has relegated homiletics to an afterthought for many seminarians and encouraged uninspired ecclesiastical architecture.
The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
The African reality of a wholistic as opposed to a secular and a sacred life, the place of the black church as sole as well as «soul» refuge during slavery, and the gift of oratory made the...
We should strive for excellence in the celebration of the liturgy and in what surrounds it: excellence in our liturgicalmusic and well trained readers; beautiful and noble vestments and vessels; an oratory that is well kept and clearly identified as a place of worship, a place that is set apart and not a spare classroom.
But that kind of language works better in campaigns than in governance; eventually, you have to talk about things as they are, not just as you feel they should be, and so it was inevitable that the radiance of his oratory dimmed a little once he took office.
The speech seemed good, as good as present political oratory allows.
The only important error Singletary made was buying into the outdated idea that professional athletes can be spurred to better performances by locker - room oratory or other motivational mind games.
Sampson's speech did not sit well with Senate Minority Leader Dean Skelos, who felt his Democratic counterpart's words were far too reminiscent of an end - of - session oratory for comfort.
Indeed, most scholars have acknowledged that Romney's oratory may well turn out to be just that, as I explained fairly fully;
«We will fight on the beaches» probably wouldn't have sounded as good said in broken French, just as Arafat's oratory really comes alive when you see him speaking at the UN in 1974, in Arabic.
As well as being an incredibly charming man, his oratory in the chamber is already stuff of legend.
But he added: «It reminded me of Tony Blair's speech taking us into the Iraq War and I'm always anxious about the greatest oratory is going to lead us to the greatest mistakes as well
That was baloney, of course — any man who'd endured Stalin's murderous whims would hardly be frightened by Lodge's U.N. oratory — but at least it was good - natured, friendly baloney.
The Christian conquerors in the 15th century did their best to wreck this chamber, sealing up a ceiling lantern and installing a choir, but they didn't remove the intricate tilework or the stunning oratory that faces Mecca at the rear.
If you are planning a special celebration and want to host a dining experience for family, friends or colleagues, then The Milestone is well equipped to offer a number of spaces to suit your preferences and requirements, including the Oratory which was the original chapel of the house.
The Oratory: Liverpool Biennial 2016 The Oratory Words by Patrick Kirk - Smith The Oratory, is probably best known as the little building outside the Anglican Cathedral, and second...
As a piece of political oratory, the short, upbeat speech that ex-Republican former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist delivered at the Democratic Convention Thursday worked pretty well.
to work as a medical front office executive in a medical centre wherein I would be able to use my knowledge of the medical field as well as my exceptional oratory skills and interpersonal skills in the right manner.
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