Sentences with phrase «good people at the company»

And we now have really good people at the company focused on this, so our ability to sniff out in diligence a promising idea or approach versus companies that aren't bringing a lot of value to the table is pretty good.

Not exact matches

The owners thought my outgoing personality and ability to relate to people would make me a good fit for a customer service job at what was then a fledgling software company.
To help people discover what they're good at and how they can best serve our company's mission — I don't know how a job could be better than that.
Many people agree that giving employees an ownership stake, especially at a startup, is a surefire way to motivate them to bring their very best to the company.
At my company, we're firm believers that the person who's been here the longest doesn't necessarily have the best idea.
And if you look at the best American companies at the time — IBM or General Mills — they wanted to keep people for a long time and promote them through their careers.
Sure, Community Manager at Steam Whistle Brewing company sounds like a good job, but how many people get to introduce themselves as a brand's «Fairy Beer Mother»?
He responded: «Well, I just had one come in, a younger person, had gone to Harvard, super bright, has started a financial company in one area and he's very successful, and people were offering him massive amounts of money to go into different types of businesses because he was successful at one.»
The company is partnering up with a group of clinicians at Stanford, as well as telemedicine vendor American Well, to test whether Apple Watch's heart rate sensor can detect abnormal heart rhythms in a cohort of patients, according to two people familwell as telemedicine vendor American Well, to test whether Apple Watch's heart rate sensor can detect abnormal heart rhythms in a cohort of patients, according to two people familWell, to test whether Apple Watch's heart rate sensor can detect abnormal heart rhythms in a cohort of patients, according to two people familiar.
Police are trying to nail down Nasim Aghdam's motives for shooting people at YouTube's headquarters yesterday, but it may well relate to the woman's antipathy toward the company's content moderation policies.
The management and leadership structures that work well with a company of 50 people may not work at all with 250.
Look for people who have had a good amount of big company experience, at least five to ten years.
Perhaps the point of contact you despise leaves and is replaced by someone who's more pleasant to work with, or, better yet, the person you do enjoy working with gets a better gig at a competitor and sways his or her new company to hire your firm.
As I've argued before, self - awareness is also the meta - skill of the 21st century: Among other benefits, self - aware people are happier with their careers and relationships, are better students, perform better at work and run more profitable companies.
«You have to run a company so that everybody has a dream, so not just my dream but their dream and the better you become at that, the more fun it is to come to work and the easier it becomes to run a lot of people,» said Jeff.
«It's not the people who are [just] going to be the best at their jobs, but the people who really care about everyone else, aren't competitive with other people inside the company — are really altruistic people,» he says «I'm half Jewish, so mensches.
At the same time, says Spector, «companies are out there looking for the same few good people.
«I thought I was doing well but realized I could get better at helping people in the company to be successful.»
Good leaders will steer a company in the right direction, while bestowing confidence in people they work with at their business.
You have to run a company so that everybody has a dream, so not just my dream but their dream and the better you become at that, the more fun it is to come to work and the easier it becomes to run a lot of people.
At some point, company's management has demonstrated in some way that they are honest, good people.
If you haven't done the best job in the past of diversifying your communications, content, featured experts, or even the people you have at all levels within your company, don't wait to get dinged for it by someone who is frustrated by it.
Now, Oculus wants to give people a chance to experience the VR headset in person at 48 Best Buy locations across the United States starting May 7, the company said in a blog post.
If employers are looking for ways to reduce costs for things like absenteeism, prescription drug benefits or long - term disabilities, Lowe says they must take a clear - eyed look at the company's role in, well, making people sick in the first place.
Apple has excelled at giving people what DuBravac calls the «360 solution,» or devices designed from the ground up to work exceptionally well with the content also sold by the company.
«Well, I've always been fascinated with people who say companies can't have long - term plans because of the demand on quarterly earnings,» he said at the CECP's CEO Investor Forum in February.
The statement is usually best when it comes from the responsible party at your company, or, if they were let go due to the incident, the person's supervisor.
We use judgment, but if a consensus develops, there may be a better fit for that person at a more jerk - tolerant company.
If you're an entrepreneur struggling to find people who understand the chaos of life at an early - stage company, it's well worth a read in full.
The comedian Jon Stewart, more apt to poke fun at people on the right of the political spectrum, spent a good five minutes at the top of The Daily Show last month gaping in disbelief at the Obama administration's favours to the company.
«And when I look at my friends who are running other good companies, the single biggest difference that I see in whether the companies end up becoming really great and reaching their potential or just pretty good is whether they're comfortable and really self - confident enough to have people who are stronger than them around them,» Zuckerberg said.
As a result, Zak says that «Employees in high - trust organizations are more productive, have more energy at work, collaborate better with their colleagues, and stay with their employers longer than people working at low - trust companies
Introverts are also better, in general, at listening to and empathizing with people, according to Fast Company.
But as The Brain began to look deeper at what companies it had acquired and others it was connected to — as well as the people involved in them — it found information that was buried, probably intentionally.
People didn't invest in stocks the same way they do today and good companies priced at six times earnings were the norm.
If you have people at your company whose job it is to make the customer experience better, help those people do their job better.
In other words, they look at what skills a person has — like their experience, areas of expertise, and other things they list on their resume — as well as whether that person is willing and interested in working for the company.
In - person attendance at board meetings fosters far better communication and deliberations between board members, but it looks like Sanofi directors appear to attend these meetings by call or video so regularly that the company has set up a separate pay scale based on their location.
On the other hand, more than 300 people gave the device a shot at the company's booth, and by almost all accounts, it was a big hit and worked well for virtually everyone who tried it.
Ante Glavas, an associate professor with a specialization in organizational behaviour at Kedge Business School in Marseille, France, says employees of companies that promote social responsibility tend to feel more connected to their work: «They are more engaged, because instead of leaving values at the door when they leave home, they can feel like they are doing something good that aligns with who they are as a person
«A lot of companies are going global now and they want a person who not only has good business sense, but who is culturally aware, has the language skills, and is able to quickly adapt to whatever is thrown at them and handle it gracefully,» says Fiona Walsh, assistant dean and director of Sauder's Hari B. Varshney Business Career Centre.
I try to focus on trying to run this company to the best of my ability, making decisions and focusing on what we know we can control, and putting people at this company in the best position to succeed.
Because the companies cover so many people, they might have the negotiating power to make that happen, at least in one of a number of ways, like negotiating better prices or building out better plans of their own.
«Figure out what your unique business offering is and when you're working at your very best, what are the things that are distinct about you as a person or you as a company
The market for top - flight talent is now so tight that nearly 100 directors of Fortune 250 companies estimate that fewer than four people — including those both inside and outside their company — would be capable of stepping into the CEO role today and running it at least as well as their current CEO, according to a survey by researchers at Stanford Graduate School of Business and the Rock Center for Corporate Governanceat Stanford University.
«We've deliberately looked for people who are builders, who've been there with growth companies, who are best in class at what they do, and we really don't care where they're located, because at this small size we can do everything on the phone, and we use GoTo Meeting and Skype,» she says.
Jevon MacDonald: People point at companies like us that have sold to Google and Apple and complain we're selling our best innovations.
«At some of the best companies I've studied, what's amazed me is that the CEO is still involved in hiring every person, despite the company's scale,» says Roberge.
People seek out the company as an employer, because they are the best at what they do and when you're an employee, you are surrounded by people likPeople seek out the company as an employer, because they are the best at what they do and when you're an employee, you are surrounded by people likpeople like you.
At FlexJobs, a high - performance culture means that we hire for and cultivate amazing people who are supported to excel, who believe in both doing well and doing right in order to reach our company's goals.
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