Sentences with phrase «good pets for children»

They are generally not considered good pets for children, as they are solitary and tend to shy away from high activity.
To be clear: I am not saying that they make good pets for children or that everyone is suited to keeping them.
Rabbits are better pets for children who can understand and manage their behaviors to put the needs of a bunny first.
One thing that is easy to forget, especially around the holidays, is that puppies are a lot of responsibility and they do not usually make good pets for children younger than 6 years old.
Dwarf hamsters make good pets for children, young adults and adults.
The larger Syrian hamster makes a better pet for children than the dwarf species because its size makes it easier for children to handle.
If you live in a small apartment and you want a small dog that will get along with everyone, the Pug is one of the best pets for a child.
Another of the best pets for a child is the Labrador Retriever or Lab.
Valuing all these different factors, at AnimalWised we will advise you on what is the best pet for a child.
If you are fortunate enough to have a large house or apartment with access to a garden, the best pet for your child will be a Maine Coon cat.
Syrian hamsters tend to make better pets for children than other types of hamsters.
It is a better pet for a child that is 10 years or older and that have kept other pets in that past.
It's a good pet for children and tolerates rough play.
It is still common for rabbits to be considered a «good pet for children», with parents often being unaware that rabbits can easily live for 8 years and cost several thousand dollars in their lifetime when housing, feeding and veterinary care are considered.
Being so cute and cuddly they make good pets for children (9 years of age +), teenagers and adults.
If you're trying to find out what the best pet for your child may be, this is a great way to find out!
Like their bigger relative the Syrian hamster, they make good pets for children and adults.
The Dutch Rabbit is a good pet for children.
Many parents come to me asking, «What would be the best pet for my child
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