Sentences with phrase «good piece of art»

When I see a really good piece of art, I get goosebumps because I am experiencing an instant of altered perception.»
Winner of eleven Tonys, a Grammy, and a Pultizer, Broadway's hip - hop retelling of the career of our first treasury secretary is «the best piece of art» Michelle Obama has «ever seen in [her] life.»
How then are we to judge whether a work of art is a good piece of art or whether it is religious art?
The only things I would like to update is a better piece of art (or huge round amber mirror) above the dresser.
2001 is not a movie that lets its viewers off easily — like any good piece of art, it puts forth questions without answers and presses the watcher to ponder them.
Remember what makes a good piece of Art Work is not that every1 loves it or hates it; more that you can split the room in half with for and against because that creates discussion thus a good piece of work.
A good piece of art might be featured in several roundups, produce a deluge of tweets and earn hundreds of comments — all from members of the dA community.
When asked what he prefers to collect, Hans - Adam II told Forbes in 2004 that he prefers «a good piece of art from the 15th to 19th centuries, whoever the artist.»
One of his criteria for a good piece of art is the very practical stipulation that it be mobile, and therefore easy to get from the studio to the gallery.
I thought it would make a good piece of art, hence the cartoon above.
Like all good pieces of art, To Kill a Mockingbird also continues to inspire creatives around the world.
It's the best piece of art criticism I've read this year and I'm craving a whole book of her thoughts now.
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