Sentences with phrase «good polemics»

I love a good polemic, and anything that is as angry, smart and entertaining as this book is a total page - turner for me.

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While investors luxuriated in the polemics of many well - known bears, money poured into commodity products (not least, resource - tracking ETFs) and other inflation - fighting assets.
It is well - reasoned and provides excellent arguments to use against all the standard polemics of those who want to drive religion down your throat.
If you read the book on which the film is based, you can see that the facts damn Irish clericalism well enough without the added polemics displayed in a made - up speech by a basically fictional bitterly anti-erotic nun.
Guilt by association has been a frequently invoked form of polemics — and an effective one, since the ecology movement has been a bizarre congeries of political reactionaries, romantic conservationists, political cop - outs, solitary poets, anarchic life - stylers, as well as genuine political radicals, serious - minded reformers, and level - headed natural scientists.
Best known for his classic defense of liberty and polemic against statism, The Road to Serfdom, Friedrich Hayek was deservedly honored by the Nobel Prize as one of the most influential economic and social thinkers of the twentieth century.
As Lewis well understood, a salutary touch of polemic is in order from time to timeto catch the listener's attention or to clear the air of cant.
Whitehead's polemic against materialistic mechanism is too well known to require much elaboration here.
He is unsurpassed in his ability to dish out broadsides against positions with which he disagrees, and anyone who wants a lesson in the art of godly polemics can go to no better source.
He is well remembered for the vigorous polemic with which he could destroy a position contrary to his own, but in his later years he often deplored the combativeness of his earlier years.
The lamentable polarisation and confusion which has developed as a consequence of these conflicting interpretations of our present situation is only too familiar to anyone involved in the life of the Church and has led all too often into destructive polemic rather than real dialogue about the best way forward for Catholic Christianity in the third millennium.
But these historical connections render decisions by Christians and Jews as to how best to interact with one another — and so also decisions as to the proper uses of polemic — extremely delicate.
This case is meant only to illustrate that I am not arguing that interreligious polemic is always and everywhere the best or only appropriate mode of interreligious conversation.
It struck me most forcefully when I saw one well - known polemic pastor bear false witness against some friends of mine, be confronted on it, admit he was wrong, and then not publicly address, retract, or apologize for what he said.
Beneath this objection though, Jeff, is a polemic against «proof texting» and an assumption that «conversation» is the best way to establish truth.
Jewish Polemics by Arthur Hertzberg Columbia University Press, 259 pages, $ 27.95 Jewish Polemics is a collection of essays written over the past ten years or so by the well - known American rabbi, professor, and communal leader Arthur Hertzberg.
From Bultmann categories in theology, which polemic needed only to be enlarged to include biblical - kerygmatic as well as objective - interventionist theological language about God to become very radical indeed.
As well as polemics Luther was writing his pastoral theology, his Fourteen Consolations for the very ill Elector, and a text on The Blessed Sacrament of the Holy and True Body of Christ, compared in its nature as a fellowship event with the degenerate «religious» fellowship of the craft brotherhoods.
On the other hand, Luther was quite unable to understand the authenticity of the quiet though often acid scholar dedicated to a policy of neutrality, of attempting as far as possible to stand outside polarising polemic — Erasmus came eventually to wonder whether it might have been better not to have written In Praise of Folly, because it had led to just such polarisation.
Whitehead's dissenting opinion is best understood as an extension of one dimension of Hume's polemic against induction.
well, mine anyway... a very thoughtful and well reasoned polemic,,, Bravo!
As a student at the University of California at Berkeley in the early 1980s, Brock was repelled by the dominant atmosphere of political correctness; the «fiery polemics» of Commentary magazine suited him better.
Jewish Polemics is a collection of essays written over the past ten years or so by the well - known American rabbi, professor, and communal leader Arthur Hertzberg.
Such an effort would reveal more of the Torah's truth, something that would be better for Jews and for the world than skilled polemics.
It's a vivid and persuasive social polemic, rooted in real children's lives, that brings the schools of urban America leaping off the page — and should be forced reading for Michael Gove and his merry band of free - schoolers, who, having filched the idea of charter and KIPP schools from the US, now need to look West again to see how fiddling with school structures can never, by itself, help pupils do better.
This well written polemic is the best starting point for anyone wanting to understand the threat to individual freedom in Britain today.
As polemics go, this is probably one of Littlejohn's best.
Behind the polemic against a system that firmly believed the market knows best, details of the incompetence, the ignorance, the complicity, the complacency and the criminality that ate through the world and caused the crisis and global recession are revealed.
«There's been a lot of discussion back and forth, and perhaps a good deal of polemic, about REDD,» Steve Schwartzman, director of tropical forest policy at the Environmental Defense Fund, said.
She might have made a movie like Katie Couric's «Under the Gun,» a fact - filled polemic that, despite its good intentions, earlier this year became mired in right - wing accusations of manipulating footage.
While Meirelles» work may lend itself better to polemics, Boyle's more holistic portrayal engenders better understanding.
Brought to us from Turkey by means of France, there might not be a movie that better typifies 2015 as the year women ruled the filmic roost than the furious polemic against the patriarchy that is Mustang.
Brought to us from Turkey by means of France, there might not be a movie that better typifies 2015 as the year women ruled the filmic roost than the furious polemic against the patriarchy that is
In other words, while the figures may prove to be useful, the polemics around them are likely of less value... unless, of course, you want to read / analyze a good example of the non-research-based rhetoric and assumptions advanced by «the other side.»
Rather than fixating on your polemic rants against the academies programme it might be a good idea to remember that everyone involved with schools should be doing their absolute best for the children whatever the structure the school finds itself in.
Finkel maintains his objective distance as a professional journalist — this isn't a polemic against war or the way the United States cares for its veterans — but there really isn't much good news to report in this ongoing story.
I am also intrigued by the public notes in ebooks, and can see, for example, a teacher using it in a classroom assigned book, as well as political commentators on current events books / polemics.
FB: Well it's a polemic that I actually borrowed from the Archive of Modern Conflict, which is itself a photo - based archive in London.
I AM AI DIPLOMAT: ALIEN PROTOCOLS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE MIND POLEMIC Noah Raford According to some, we are within a decade of the arrival of artificial general intelligence; machines so powerful that they can do anything a human being can, but faster, better, and more accurately.
The book brings together essays, film scripts, reviews, and polemics as well as reflections on Green's own artistic practice and seminal artworks.
As such, his aesthetic is inseparable from the pertinent extra-aesthetic issues of the age, including income inequality, the constant threat of reactionary politics, and the authoritarian abuse of power, as well as the fact of the artist's own queerness, all of which he allows to saturate his work even as he eschews polemics.
Now that the polemics have faded, Wright thought it would be a good time to look at Color Field again, and she's right.
It is better than all of the second - floor installations of the permanent collection that have taken place since MoMA's reopening three years ago, because it defines a polemic about a single medium and then cogently explores it.
Better handling of uncertainty should be key to the debate — but when you fabricate polemics out of climate scientists» discussion of uncertainty, you expose a different, tribal, zero sum game, scorched earth, agenda.»
Unfortunately good history makes for bad polemics — see Butterfield's Whig Interpretation of History (which, by the way, is a polemic)
It was clearly intended to function as as a polemic as well as a novel — as seems to be the case for this new book.
What is fascinating to me about «communicators» whether it is on climate science or nutrition is that they become so invested in the polemic that they do not notice when the audience (the general public) has left the room for good, negating the possibility of communication.
I've watched both of the «films» mentioned in this thread and judge that they are well made polemics with high production values.
A Spry Polemic on How to be Seriously Good at Court» (3rd edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2015), written by a British barrister, Iain Morley Q.C..
We do try to steer clear of polemics here on Slaw, which is likely a good thing.
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