Sentences with phrase «good precaution»

Luckily, she says, these kinds of attacks don't happen often, partly because most companies take good precautions, plus using food as a weapon isn't very appealing.
Instead of dying in increasing numbers as temperatures rise, people take better precautions to protect themselves from the heat.
Safe driving and burglar alarms seem like good precautions on the road and at home, but disasters sometimes arrive in Arlington scale - and when a tornado rips through, it's too late to search for Arlington insurance quotes that provide adequate coverage at a good price.
Safe driving and burglar alarms seem like good precautions on the road and at home, but disasters sometimes arrive in Arlington scale - and when a tornado rips through, it's too late to search for Arlington insurance quotes that provide adequate coverage at a good price.
Buying organic is a fairly good precaution — organic food can not, by definition, be bioengineered.
Extra defensive aerial coverage (gabriel) is a good precaution.
Of course, despite the best precautions things do happen.
Find out when it's safe for your toddler to sleep in a bed without safety rails, and the best precautions to take when you do f...
But even the best precautions may prove no match for Mother Nature.
«Finding a place with clean, filtered air is the best precaution
Despite your best precautions, sometimes a date goes horribly wrong.
Driving yourself to the date location is a good precaution, and you won't be relying on anyone else to get you home safely.
If you think you just lost it and it might be laying around somewhere, this option is a good precaution because it gives you some time to look around and try to find your misplaced Kindle, and if you do find it all you have to do to reactivate it is sign into your Amazon account.
Even in a province that does not give the surviving common - law spouse these rights, such as Ontario, adding that clause is a good precaution.
Whenever giving your personal credit information, the best precaution is to read the Terms of Service, or in the case of Credit Karma, the Terms of Use of its website, and not rely on any other recommendation from an unrecognized authority on the Internet.
Most adults are not at risk for toxoplasmosis, but the best precaution is to use good sanitary practices of wearing gloves while scooping the litter box or washing
This is an entrance requirement for most dog shows as well as a good precaution in case your dog gets into a scuffle with someone else's.
This is a good precaution especially if you are not sure if your kids are sensitive or allergic to animal hair.
Asking for a reference from a vet can be a good precaution, although new residents to an area and first - time animal owners may not have a vet.
Wire and plastic cages should have doors that latch securely, but metal clips to hold them closed are a good precaution.
The best precaution is simple: stay inside from dusk until midnight during mosquito season.
Your veterinarian can prescribe medications to get it under control, however avoiding puddles and places of pooled water are a good precaution.
Given the small window you have to make a purchase decision on Prime Day, using a credit card that has return protection in the event you can't return the item can be a good precaution.
It's a good precaution in a risky universe.
You can take precautions against auto theft by locking your doors, installing a security alarm and parking in well - lit areas, but the best precaution is to choose a comprehensive car insurance policy in advance.
Travelers have to be prepared to deal with certain unfortunate incidents that can happen during their vacations, and one of the best precautions that they can take is to buy a travel insurance policy.
Staying proactive and vigilant with your financial behavior is the best precaution in protecting your sensitive information.
A decent health plan for yourself and your family taken independent of your company or your spouse's company is a good precaution.
Your safety and the safety of those you live with and love is most important, but making sure your memories and belongings are also safe is a good precaution to take.
As such your baby is actually safe inside your tummy, but as a would - be mother, it is your duty to practice the best precautions possible for both your baby growing inside of you and yourself when traveling in any sort of vehicle.
While these may seem as bold questions, it is a better precaution to take rather then ruining your chances for a job with a new employer.
One of the best precautions you can take as a landlord is to pick your tenants carefully.
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