Sentences with phrase «good psychometric properties»

In doing so, we used well - validated measures with good psychometric properties.
The CBCL has been validated in 23 other societies some from low and middle - income countries such as Kosovo, Taiwan and Turkey, where it has shown good psychometric properties [6].
The DERS demonstrates good psychometric properties for all subscales (α's > 0.80)[9].
Children's psychological symptoms and prosocial behaviour were measured by the 25 - item Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) which has good psychometric properties [10, 18].
Besides good psychometric properties for the PSP scale in this chronic sample, we found, as expected, significant associations between the two relevant outcome domains: results showed significant negative correlations between PSP and PANSS.
In their study of 47 versions of ISMI Boyd et al. showed good psychometric properties including reliability, test re-test reliability, internal consistency reliability and also a number of validity studies [6].
This measure demonstrates good psychometric properties as described by Stein & Jessop (2003).
The QMI has also demonstrated good psychometric properties over several studies (Heyman, Sayers, & Bellack, 1994).
Results: In addition to good psychometric properties gender -, age - and diagnosis - specific impairments in QoL were found.
Overall, these three studies present good psychometric properties of the Dutch translation of the first measure of mindful parenting.
Results: The statistical analysis of the PESOS reveals good psychometric properties that allow its application for research purposes.
Mindfulness questionnaires with good psychometric properties are needed to determine whether mindfulness skills do indeed increase after participation in a mindfulness - based intervention in clinical and non-clinical populations, and to assess whether this increase mediates the subsequent decrease in psychological or psychiatric symptoms (e.g., Baer et al. 2006; Bishop et al. 2004).
This brief youth - report measure of collaborative parent involvement demonstrates good psychometric properties, applicability across the age range studied, and evidence suggestive of convergent and concurrent validity.
The parent - and adolescent - report versions of the SDQ have been shown to have good psychometric properties [7,17,19 — 24].
The 23 - item version of the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) has been shown to have good psychometric properties over the course of several studies (for a review see McCutcheon et al., 2004).
Good psychometric properties of earlier versions of the DMS have been reported (Frey & Denyes, 1989).
These subscales have been shown to have good psychometric properties and have been used extensively in child development research.31, 33,34 They include both maternal - report and interviewer - report items.
This scale has been shown to have good psychometric properties and has been used extensively in child development research.30 - 32 These subscales include both maternal - report and interviewer - report items.
Good psychometric properties have been shown for the Greek population (Lyrakos et al., 2009; Cohen et al., 1983; Andreou et al., 2013).
Using algorithms, physical and mental components are calculated from the eight scales.52 Scores range from 0 to 100, with a higher score indicating better health.53 Widely used in studies, 54 the SF - 36 has norms (mean = 50; SD = 10) and good psychometric properties, including with older adults.55 For example, Gandek et al 56 demonstrated good internal consistency (Cronbach's α from 0.83 to 0.93 for the eight domains, and 0.94 and 0.89 for the physical and mental components, respectively).
GHQ - 12 can also be analysed as a continuous variable and has good psychometric properties.37 — 39
extended and abbreviated version, demonstrates good psychometric properties.
Conclusions: This study produced the T - CMDQ with good psychometric properties, presented the first formal validation of the CMDQ and provided useful insights on the cross-cultural adaptation process of a subjective data collection tool which was originally developed in English, into the Turkish language.
The Pain Anxiety Symptom Scale (PASS), both in its extended and abbreviated version, demonstrates good psychometric properties.
The scale has been extensively used and has good psychometric properties.19
It was concluded that the Chilean short - form version of the ECR has good psychometric properties and is a suitable assessment of adult attachment.
The CBCL has good psychometric properties and the seven - syndrome structure fits well with the Kenyan preschool children suggesting it can be used to assess behavioural / emotional problems in this rural area.
Consequently, Ahern et al. concluded that the CD - RISC has potential due to good psychometric properties but its usefulness with adolescents needs to be further developed.
The subscale «cynicism» shows good psychometric properties and is strongly related to the Ho scale.
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