Sentences with phrase «good room»

The rear seats of the Escape offer good room for passengers.
The storage is in rear is outstanding as well room in back seat.
In spite of the most number of hotels, guest - houses and resorts, availability of good rooms is a pain always.
Rear seat comfort is excellent, with good room all around and plenty of leg room for a 6 - foot passenger behind a 6 - foot driver.
Hotel staff insiders even admit that those who book through their website or over the phone usually get better rooms than those who book last minute or through other online booking sites.
I asked if there were other, better rooms available.
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I have stayed more than two months in this good hotel with very good room service and quiet environment.
I was pleased to be put in a slightly better room on my return to the hotel a few days later.
I ordered a set for my guest room as well my room.
A few times I've found good rooms that I didn't know about by having local drivers show me around.
Also, guests doing an early check - in tend to have better rooms within the booked category.
It adds so much warmth and character to a room, and what better room than your kitchen!
Now, as a car, it is a nice vehicle, there is good room inside and the driver controls are mostly in good places.
The rear seat provides good room for two, with more legroom and headroom than what is the norm for the class.
Other improvements upon Gold include better room upgrades and better points earning.
There's still good room for two full - size adults, but a third passenger won't be very happy.
How can I make sure we get a really good room?
And so the moms, I believe so, sent a letter to management or, you know, someone higher up, to request better rooms.
I made a small booking error but this was sorted out perfectly for me by the lovely host when I checked in and we got an even better room.
But there's good room through the shoulder and the sleeves are not too loose nor too tight.
You will see the dust and the clutter even with all the sparkly pretty things to distract you and they can pretty much ruin a perfectly good room.
But there's good room in back as well as in front.
The middle row of seats has good room for adults.
The very best rooms are the ones you just want to hang out in, and you've done that with every space.
What we love When half of your home is in a basement, what better room to put there than a bedroom?
We are beginning to be on the last snap or so, but still good room to grow.
Much better room this time with the same excellent food in the restaurant.
My husband goes to Vegas a tad more than me and has always gotten better room rate offers from Mlife.
Learn From the Professionals: Best Room Makeovers From Stagers See how these staging professionals tackled trouble areas in a home and designed rooms that buyers love.
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Altered dimensions imply larger space inside the cabin, offering better room to the occupants.
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While I enjoy most cobblers and crisps and things of those nature warm with ice cream The Professor and I both agreed this dessert was better chilled a little bit or at best room temperature.
Priority upgrade to the next available best room category, if the reserved room type is not available at check - in
One floor of Stay Well rooms for health - conscious guests has a purified air system and digitized lighting controls that can be used to help travelers fight jet lag.
Again, fancy hotel, but a pretty good room rate for the level of accommodation, especially considering the weak Aussie dollar, at around $ 250AUS a night (especially when split two ways).
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