Sentences with phrase «good schools for all children»

Across the country, voucher and tax - credit programs are allowing low - income parents, many of them minorities, to choose better schools for their children.
Go to school board meetings and advocate for better schools for your child.
But every day I read so many inspiring stories of parents from around the country demanding better schools for their children.
This is true even if he or she has a very good reason such as better schooling for the child.
They wish to substitute private choices for the public's responsibility to provide good schools for all children.
Policy leaders are responsible for maintaining the resources for equal access to commonly good schools for all children.
«We can not create more good schools for our children by accepting more failing schools,» Mary Bradley, CPS top officer responsible for charter schools, told the commission before it decided to keep the South Side charters open.
Low - income families are just as eager to access better schools for their children, and with this new program, North Carolina families will finally have the financial resources to do so.
The local StudentsFirstNY chapter marched the streets of Bed - Stuy to demand better schools for the children in their community.
Both America and Britain have outstanding universities — Harvard, Cambridge, Stanford, Oxford — but behind those high - performing institutions (and there are some amazingly good schools for children five to 18) there is a long history of underachievement that has correlated with poverty.
We are also proud that through the experience of helping to operate the property, a number of villagers can now afford better schooling for their children, whilst others have secured employment in international hotel groups.
Even with a streamlined enrollment process and better information, Cleveland recognized that families also need social support to choose better schools for their children.
Dreilinger interviews several New Orleans parents from different backgrounds about their search for good schools for their children.
Uprooting could mean leaving behind niceties such as good schools for your children and the circle of friends they have acquired — just to cite a couple of inconveniences.
She is baffled that reformers appear to «substitute private choices for the public's responsibility to provide good schools for all children
But unlike the parents at West Lake, you likely won't seen Pine Lake parents attending protests demanding better schools for all children and a better system of education that serves everyone's needs.
We understand the importance of finding the best school for your child.
We live in a town that we (mostly) love but are looking to move for better schools for our children or, if those areas with better schools don't pan out, for a more urban area with more support for homeschooling.
You may not need to know the answer to every question offered to find the best school for your child.
When you are looking for the best school for your child, be sure to consider what each school has to offer.
Salmone commented on the post, 5 Tips How To Choose The Best School For Your Child PLUS Giveaway!
Fatima Bibi Hoosen commented on the post, 5 Tips How To Choose The Best School For Your Child PLUS Giveaway!
Let there be good schools for children.
... who worry about finding work, getting a good school for their children and affording a good house.
Beholden to the teachers unions, both the WFP and Teachout oppose measures that would give New York parents more and better schools for their children.
Have you any concern that the families with more financial and social capital might choose the best schools for their children, and other families» children would have to attend inferior schools?
PRK: Have you any concern that the families with more financial and social capital might choose the best schools for their children, and other families» children would have to attend inferior schools?
Mr Hammond said: «These announcements take the next steps in giving parents greater choice in finding a good school for their child, whatever their background.»
Parents armed with data about school performance will in theory choose the best school for their children.
It is past time to take the formula that has worked so well to help create the best colleges in the world and use it to help create the best schools for our children.
«The important decision to make is not what is a good school, but what is a good school for the child, and that depends on his abilities and your plans for the future.»
«A well - designed federal program could, for the first time, empower low - income parents in blue states — and red states who have been reluctant — to choose a better school for their children,» said John Kirtley, founder of Step Up For Students.
The review board noted that The Broad Prize is heavily reliant on states reporting data for all public schoolsas are families searching for the best school for their children.
We offer on - the - ground organizers, education and civil rights advocacy groups, and researchers useful data and insights to help parents and communities understand school quality, discover inequities, and push for better schools for all children.
Wealthy families already have the ability to choose the best schools for their children.
I support a parent's right to choose the best school for their child, using public funds, as long as that school:
We all fundamentally agree that parents should get to choose the best school for their children, and we want to keep limits on those choices to a minimum.
«Whether the option is voucher, charter, or course choice; it is important that parents have the option to choose the best school for their children
«I applaud the brave parents, teachers and community leaders of this city for banding together and standing up for what they believe in: better schools for all children
The root causes of this debacle are a badly drafted (so - called «strong») state charter law that enables just about anyone who wants a charter to get one, and the absence of any community - wide mechanism to ensure that there is a at least one good school for every child.
It works based on the research, and it works according to the 3.5 million children currently benefitting and the undeniable demand of millions of additional parents who want to choose the best school for their children.
For more than 20 years, Arizona has been a pioneer and leader when it comes to empowering parents and families to select the best school for their children.
We support the families in this lawsuit and look forward to a victory for them and all of the other families who are stuck waiting for better schools for their children
There's not much survey data specifically on how Black parents feel about charter schools nationally, but it's pretty clear that they resoundingly support a parent's right to choose the best school for their child.
Empowering parents to choose the best schools for their children is the most promising step to reform America's education system.
The foundation has invested more than $ 1 billion to date to improve all types of schools - traditional district, public charter and private - and to support innovative organizations that share a common goal: to give all families the ability to choose the best school for their child, regardless of their zip code.
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