Sentences with phrase «good side effect»

All those berries, sweet peaches and juicy cherries are so easy to serve as snacks (minus the juicy cleanup) but there's an even better side effect: When I see my three rascals lined up on the counter stools, eating all that fresh goodness I feel like I'm doing something right.
Meditation is the miracle medicine of the 21st century with good side effects.
All those berries, sweet peaches and juicy cherries are so easy to serve as snacks (minus the juicy cleanup) but there's an even better side effect: When I see my three rascals lined up on the counter stools, eating all that fresh goodness I feel...
But the data's best side effect is that it exposes and quantifies our cities» poor urban planning policies.
Yes, these are gadgets that make your life easier, but the best side effect is all that extra time you'll have to spend with your sweet babies.
While that may sound like a good side effect, kidney stones from the excess calcium were defynot.
But Lawn added that while ayahuasca appeared to have a better side effect «profile» than classic Western psychedelics such as LSD or magic mushrooms, taking the drug is not without risk.
Encouraging people to be active has definitely been one of the better side effects.
It's one of the best side effects of being being surrounded by vast forestry, gardens and plants.
A good side effect of becoming a trainer is that it gives you an excuse to keep fit, which then can make it easier to attract girls.
The Harper Collins issue has had one good side effect.
A good side effect that the vet said happens in about 15 % of dogs is his fur grows fast and long.
(ref) Another good side effect of corticosteroids is appetite stimulation in cats that have lost their interest in food.
I market Stormhoek to the Blogosphere not because it'll help drive up the sales curve (although yes, that is a good side effect), but because I think coming in contact with «Blogospheric DNA» is healthy for the brand.
For example, Lilly's Notice ignores the fact that its olanzapine patent was a selection (from a known general class of compounds), and that Lilly had specifically stated in its patent (to back up its selection) that olanzapine has «marked superiority and a better side effects profile than prior known antipsychotic agents, and... a highly advantageous activity level.
Another good side effect of the all glass design is that it could enable wireless charging as well.
Perhaps one of the best side effects of missing out on your dream internship is the ability to walk a different path.
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