Sentences with phrase «good source of something»

Red meat and eggs also contain iron, but it's a myth that they're the only good sources of it.
Food processing causes enormous loss of magnesium in foods that are commonly fairly good sources of it, such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
Fermented vegetables, such as raw (unpasteurized) sauerkraut, kimchi, and pickles, are really good sources of them too.
(If you're worried that without a bottle your child isn't getting enough calcium, ask your doctor or visit this page on the American Academy of Pediatrics for age - by - age calcium requirements, and other good sources of it.)
Red meat is also one of the main sources of creatine used by the human body and steak is a particularly good source of it, coming with 5g of creatine per kg of beef.
Dogs with Patella Luxation need sources of Vitamin E. Good sources of it are spinach, kale, hazelnuts, and almonds.
They're a good source of
Source — Sunrays are the good source of it.
We can't possibly talk about protein without mentioning diary products and the best source of it is cottage cheese.
One does need some healthy fats and the best source of them is fish oil.
This cheat sheet helped me a lot to understand the different vitamin types, what they are good for and which are the best sources of them.
You lose magnesium through sweat, so munch on some good sources of it before a hard weight - training session or long run.
All fruit and vegetables contain a certain amount of vitamin C and a good source of it can be found in vegetables, preferably raw ones such as cauliflower, broccoli; fruits like strawberries and food such as eggs.
Your dog needs to get essential fatty acids, and fish is a good source of them.
Here is what you need to know about fiber and the best sources of it:
Here is what you need to know about fiber and the best sources of it: Benefits of Fiber: Fiber helps your rabbit stay -LSB-...]
When you need any idea for your modern home interior, this amazing residence in San Francisco can be a good source of it.
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