Sentences with phrase «good sources»

Dr Smood Spirulina Powder contains over 60 % complete protein — almost 3x as much as beef — and is one of the few good sources of plant - based B12.
Make sure that your meals contain good sources, such as lentils, chickpeas, beans, tofu, cashew nuts, chia seeds, ground linseed, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, kale, dried apricots and figs, raisins, quinoa and fortified breakfast cereal.
You can increase the amount of iron absorbed from your meals by including good sources of vitamin C, such as pepper, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kiwi fruits, oranges, strawberries, pineapple, grapefruit and orange juice.
Our findings support the importance of dietary recommendations to increase magnesium - rich foods, including whole grains, nuts / seeds, and vegetables, which are also good sources of other nutrients.
Joining them as very good sources are three additional foods (pumpkin seeds, turnip greens, and summer squash).
After a little searching, I found a few good sources who said the dark agave syrup was pretty much the equal to yacon syrup.
Additionally, 30 foods rank as good sources.
Five of the World's Healthiest Foods rank as excellent sources of iron and nine foods rank as very good sources.
Although a few fruits are ranked as good sources of magnesium, you typically wouldn't turn to fruits for your magnesium, nor to dairy products nor meats.
We also have 38 very good sources and 26 good sources.
As noted above, the World's Healthiest Foods contain a large number of excellent and very good sources of manganese.
The three aforementioned ingredients are also good sources of fiber, even though you wouldn't know it by the way they taste.
Good sources for determining gluten free products can be found here:
The good sources of niacin come from many different food groups.
We also list six very good sources and 34 good sources.
Don't avoid good sources of plant fats.
So I mainly follow links on twitter now (and facebook to a lesser extent), following people who are good sources of the things I'm interested in, and trusting that the good quality articles will float to the top... When I want more things to read I turn to Google Reader, but normally end up just picking up on the few blogs I'm really interested in.
This does not, however, imply that the results are no good, since they are largely the only good sources of insight into ancient Israel and their knowledge of Yahweh, their God.
Tickle incorporates prayers and readings from a host of good sources.
I have reason to suppose (I say no more), that the following anonymous writer has good sources:
Expand your mind and find good sources of truth.
National sources such as Nick Bourke, director of small - dollar - loans project at the Pew Charitable Trusts; Lauren Saunders, associate director at the National Consumer Law Center; and Bruce McClary, executive director of the nonprofit National Foundation for Credit Counseling are good sources for this story.
Other good sources for exploring product categories are tools like Google Keyword Planner, Wordstream and even the autocomplete function of Amazon search.
It's becoming easier and easier for clients to identify good sources of investment advice and research.
First, a question — have you found any good sources of data for benchmarking the User Base metrics?
Price Rationale Since this retail niche is so fragmented, there are no good sources of data on revenues for an «average» shop.
As with secondary research, the Small Business Administration, Small Business Development Centers, colleges and universities are good sources of help with primary research.
Two good sources to look for: ThomasNet, an online resource that connects industrial buyers and sellers, and the Hoovers Industry Reports.
Some good sources to check out are Acorns and Stash.
To make this challenge easier, get yourself a series of good sources for articles, quotes and ideas that offer RSS feeds.
Good sources of information are your accounting firm (if it has international offices or connections to an international network), your international bank, and most credit - reporting services.
One of the best sources of information and assistance for startup and expanding business is state, region and local economic development agencies.
(Yes, your depressed friends could be a good source of free labor!)»
Olives are a good source of the antioxidant Vitamin E and «are full of healthy fats [that reduce risk for cardiovascular disease] and are super satisfying,» Lippert says, who recommends a serving of 5 to 10 olives.
That makes the province «one of best sources of this type of information in the world,» says Gardner.
In addition, Leatherbarrow said the best sources out there have yet to be translated from Russian — including the accounts of senior managers, state - run media reports, and a book by an engineer who's been blamed for the disaster, but insists he was scapegoated by the government.
This means that if you choose to start a business, thinking that it would be a good source of funds, you could very well make less money than your friend who works a minimum wage job.
Former customers are the best source for future sales, even in businesses where customers make purchases only every few years.
Here's her advice for other female founders who also think venture capital might be the best source of funds for their companies.
Mac users can consider iWeb a good source for building a simple free website.
This low - calorie snack will satisfy your craving for something salty and crunchy, and it's also a good source of fiber, De Fazio says.
As your business grows, you'll be able to ask your best source of information: your customers.
Personal referrals are another good source.
We're often so caught up in making the right decision that we forget that mistakes can be our best source of inspiration.
His dad was disabled and employed as a switchboard operator, which paid poorly and was unfulfilling, so he was desperate to find a better source of income.
While reports that apples are a better source of energy than caffeine may be overblown, the naturally occurring sugars in an apple can give you a much - needed boost and its antioxidants can have long - term benefits!
While many believe venture capitalists are the best source for small businesses, less than 2 percent will ever get funds from them.
They may be prospects you haven't worked with yet, referral sources you haven't talked to for a while, or even ex-employees who've gone on to bigger things but might be your best source of talent and clients if you keep the relationship fresh.
Unhappy customers are the best source of ways to improve your business, build your product and drive your market.
Scratch your own itch to find a compelling product When creating a service that users will pay for, the best source of inspiration is often to solve your own problem, according to Fried.
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