Sentences with phrase «good study models»

Rare genetic diseases like LFS are good study models because they tend to proceed from a change in a single gene, as opposed to many, overlapping changes seen in more related common diseases, in this case more common, non-inherited bone cancers.
Ireland underwent a well - documented fertility transition in the early 20th century, making it a good study model.
Frustrated by the lack of a good study model, Krasnow and his colleagues turned to the mouse lemur and began conducting detailed physiologic and genetic studies on hundreds of these petite, docile creatures in the rainforests of Madagascar.

Not exact matches

He said that his research should not be called «modeling» because it is based on the combined findings of thousands of lab results, as well as several other studies he has published.
However, recent studies have claimed that the open - office model causes employees more harm than good.
Sue, who works at Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada, first looked at studies with mice, which he suggests are «good models for human physiology.»
Using Shanghai as a case study, Dr. Zhou identified the key challenges to low - carbon city development in China as well as the role that Shanghai can play in creating a sustainable path of development for Chinese cities to model in the future.
The course focuses on providing transparent case studies, best practices, mistakes to avoid, and models to follow if you are looking to run a single family office or have one started for your clients or family.
Following a detailed description of engagement and interventional models, we will review important studies in the digital health literature, both to understand the current advantages of the technology as well as its limitations.
You would make a good study - model for a phrenologist after all that beating your head against a wall.
To even question it will get you into trouble in a lot of circles... Martyn Shenstone and others have written exceptional studies demonstrating the dishonesty of this model... add this to the fact that this all happens where the richest 5 % of the planet are (which you are as well) and it is really out of whack...
Such a model of teaching is patently not perfect, but it does a better job than did the classical paradigm of bridging the gap between the discipline of New Testament studies as it actually exists and the students we actually face.
Stephen Toulmin echoes these sentiments in an elegant statement on the cosmos understood on the model of our «home»: «We can do our best to build up a conception of the «overall scheme of things» which draws as heavily as it can on the results of scientific study, informed by a genuine piety in all its attitudes toward creatures of other kinds: a piety that goes beyond the consideration of their usefulness to Humanity as instructions for the fulfillment of human ends.
The secondary freedom in the study of economics consists in the deployment of a variety of models of man and society, in order to gain a wider range of perspectives on the complex events of economic life and to experiment in imagination with new and possibly better ways of directing economic planning.
The only thing it seems that you all have studied is how to argue with an atheist using an A.B.C model laid out by a really well versed atheist who actually reasoned.
Education focused on the study of classic texts that represent authoritative models of good speech and writing.
We do not know if the universe is or is not designed, but we do know that the best way to understand the «design» of the universe is to study it unbiasedly and make the most accurate models that fit reality in the most precise ways that cause the best predictions — in a word, science.
study is wonderful but it's clear that Jesus humbly modeled active obedience as well as belief.
Close study of those models may he the best strategy for reclaiming the church.
The picture of good teaching developed here to counter the fragmentation of theological schooling also tends to counter the previous two studies» tendency to change the «Berlin» model of theological schooling by adopting a functionalist picture of «professional» schooling and an individualistic picture of the teaching proper to Wissenchaft.
The central «positive» moral about how best to negotiate between these two models is this: Focus on the nature of the basic movement of theological study as a theological question, not as a question about the psychology of learning, nor even as a question about the logical relations among various subjects studied in theological education.
Yet, under the most trying circumstances, Major Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk and his colleagues, both clergy and laity, have gotten on with the New Evangelization in their war - torn country, providing a model of spiritual vitality and effective public engagement that a lot of Latin - rite Catholicism would do well to study and then emulate.
The theological school, for its part, would assume responsibility for course work that studies Christian congregations in all their variety, as well as course work that focuses on models of practice, thus cultivating students» capacities to reflect on ministerial practice (cf. 121 - 25).
This case study has viewed SEA of India in terms both of what it does and how it does it, benchmarking it against a model of best practice published by the UK's Trade Association Forum and also drawing on a previous ITC study visit with East African sunflower associations
We chose to model the effects on body weight because good evidence (from both trials and epidemiological studies) links regular consumption of sugar sweetened drinks to weight gain.8 10 12 Moreover, data from longitudinal studies support the idea that changes in the price of sugar sweetened drinks are linked to changes in body weight.20 Other groups have used this form of modelling to estimate the effects of a sugar sweetened drink tax on obesity.18 21 22
Some young offenders may not easily perceive a need for change: one study found a majority of incarcerated adolescent fathers believing they could be good role models for their children and the kind of man of whom a child could be proud (Nesmith et al, 1997).
Some football helmet manufacturers suggest that players who wear their helmets - especially new models - may be at lower risk of concussion than those who wear competitors» models or older helmets, basing their claims on how well the new or newer helmets absorb and lessen some of the impact forces that cause concussion in biomechanical studies performed in the controlled environment of the laboratory.
The study provides what the authors say is good clinical evidence that helmet design can lower the risk of concussion, not in a laboratory, but in games and practices, by showing that a helmet model introduced in 2000 provides better protection against concussion than an older helmet employing 20 - year - old design technology.
If you are looking for a good booster seat, then it is advisable that you look at the ten models the study recommends.
This model also takes on hills quite well, and is made of study steel.
Although many studies demonstrated the benefits of the best compression socks and the best compression shirts, but these studies all used different models, so their results are not conclusive.
personal preferences, influenced by recent Western cultural values and social ideology, NOT studies of the natural biology and needs of the human infant have argued against babies arousing at night to feed a lot; and, indeed, the «sleep like a baby» or «shush the baby is sleeping» model, while some kind of western ideal is NOT what babies are designed to do nor experience, and it is definitely not in their own biological or emotional or social best interest.
And it will give you a great opportunity to model for him good study habits that he will eventually internalize and rely on throughout his life.
Studies of the Nurse Family Partnership model followed children to 6 years and found significant program effects on language and cognitive functioning as well as fewer behaviour problems in a randomized controlled trial study.24 In addition, more recent evaluations of Healthy Families America have shown small, but favourable effects on young children's development.25, 26
The Nurse Family Partnership model showed a significantly better detection rate of language delays, 10 while one study of the Hawaii Healthy Start Program did not show evidence of preventing language delays or improving early identification.27
In other words, even when home visitation programs succeed in their goal of changing parent behaviour, these changes do not appear to produce significantly better child outcomes.21, 22 One recent exception, however, was a study of the Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) model with low - income Latino families showing changes in home parenting and better third - grade math achievement.23 Earlier evaluations of HIPPY found mixed results regarding program effectiveness.
In support of this model, multiple studies have shown the association between infant negative reactivity and later psychosocial outcomes such as problem behaviour and self - regulation to be moderated by parental behaviour, so that highly reactive children fare better than others when they experience optimal parenting but worse than others when they experience negative parenting.41 - 46 Further support is found in studies indicating that interventions targeting parental attitudes and / or behaviours are particularly effective for children with a history of negative reactive temperament.47, 49
The disruption of prenatal cellular activity in zebra fish, which share 80 percent of their genes with humans and are considered a good model for studying human brain development, seemed to result in hyperactivity, according to the Canadian study, which was published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The book, they felt, had lodged in the culture certain stereotypes about an Asian parenting style that was not well - studied or well - understood and certainly not ready to be held up as some kind of model.
Given the heterogeneity in the choice of outcome measures routinely collected and reported in randomised evaluations of models of maternity care, a core (minimum) data set, such as that by Devane 2007, and a validated measure of maternal quality of life and well being would be useful not only within multi-centre trials and for comparisons between trials, but might also be a significant step in facilitating useful meta - analyses of similar studies.
Finally, to evaluate any modification of pacifier effects attributable to potential confounding factors of specific interest (eg, bottle introduction, study group assignment), both the pacifier variable and the variable in question were added to the selected «best» models.
While our work has used mouse models because we can study the process in detail this way, we do know that milk cells cross into human babies as well
The results from this study support those results that for many women WCC is best delivered via a midwife led model of care [4, 27].
Topics discussed included international best practices and case studies on renewable integration; energy planning processes to support long - term development; and emerging business models.
Supporters, including those who have studied the model as well as public finance systems in other states, believe it can work.
Stumm said the study would include «putting a network of outpost wells, filling in gaps in information, and using the information in a numerical model to make predictions for management.
Oddo modeled his latest push after a smaller scale study done at Ohio State University which showed teens have a better chance of convincing their peers to cut back on the drinks than adults.
The model of hospital administration in this publication actually has lots of semblance with contemporary models in the US, UK, Republic of Ireland, Australia and Canada where there is a board of directors / governors with a Chairman (does not have to be a Medical Doctor), a CEO / President / Hospital administrator (does not have to be a Medical Doctor) and a CMD / MD / CMO / Executive director medical services etc (Is ALWAYS a Medical Doctor — different names but similar portfolio — In Nigeria we always look up to these countries for direction with respect to global best practices so I do not understand what the commentator code - named afam6nr means by «Obviously, this writer has not attended any Business School Training and has no knowledge of Business Administration» — My advice to afam6nr is to do a little study of the different heath system of the world (specifically regarding corporate governance, organisation and administration of tertiary hospitals) and after this little research come back and comment on his findings!
For researchers using mouse models to study a variety of cancers, including lymphoma, melanoma, breast, and prostate cancers as well as autoimmune and infectious diseases, the panel facilitates a highly sensitive and high - throughput investigation of biomarkers associated with disease progression.
This is why it is important to study a very well established host - virus system like myxoma virus in the European rabbit as a model for human viruses and why understanding this mutation is important.»
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