Sentences with phrase «good winner»

On the other hand, I'm also conscious some of my biggest & best winners in the past year (or so) have been small & micro cap stocks.
«People had always said I was too nice a person to win a national title; that only poor losers made good winners
Oscar Winners Revisited hopes to re-evaluate past Academy Awards results and see how well the winners and nominees held up versus the choices Way Too Indie Staff members would make today.
But being a Burt's Best winner also carries special responsibilities.
Meaning, don't start over-trading just because you become overly - confident after hitting a few good winners.
And T+L's World's Best winner Kamalame Cay has added stylish beach bungalows — stand - alone suites that start at a whopping 450 square feet and feature private verandas and outdoor showers.
A good winner has felt, and thereby understands, the funk of defeat; he knows that the best man doesn't always win; and so he is therefore generous in victory.
Roche chardonnay named «Best of the Best» at North Coast Wine Challenge: The 24 judges who swirled and sipped through the Press Democrat's 2015 North Coast Wine Challenge in mid-April chose a classic white varietal, Roche 2013 Carneros Chardonnay French Oak Reserve, as its Best of the Best winner...
«The Best of the Best winners exemplify the highest standard of hospitality excellence in their given category and it's a pleasure to celebrate Le Bristol Paris» gourmet restaurant Epicure as the Best Culinary Experience.»
If you gave Theos pace to someone of more determined character, then you may well a winner, but Theo hides much too often for my liking..
Despite the weirdness of the day, we got a good winner at the end of it.
Well a winner is likely to be produced in this one considering that none of Arsenal's last 12 Champions League games have ended in a draw (W6 L6).
Learn how to be a good looser and well as a good winner.
Well the winner of today's giveaway will be getting Happy Mail every month for the next year!!
I can't imagine a better winner of those cool Polaroid shades, so congrats to you dear Clare, and thank you Sunglasses Shop for sponsoring the give - away!
Now, my hometown ladies know that the downtown Winners is not the best Winners in town by far (that would be the Gateway Boulevard location) or even the second best (that would be the Mayfield Common location), but it's the best that the downtown core has to offer in terms of decent clearance rack hunting, and sometimes a girl just wants to find a bargain, you know?
Much like how I looked at the best winners in almost every Academy Award field, I want to now turn my attention towards individuals (specifically those active in the -LSB-...]
A previous 100 Best winner, Butler County is a rural community located in Southeast Missouri.
Donna is also the author of six novels for children and young adults, including The Survival Kit (FSG, 2011), named an ALA Best Books for Young Adults and the winner of the Bookstar Award in Switzerland, and This Gorgeous Game (FSG, 2010), also named an ALA Best Books for Young Adults, a winner of the CCBC Choice Award, and a Chicago Public Library Best of the Best winner.
If you want to avoid the «boom and bust» cycle that Tom and other traders went through, you have to keep calm and remain disciplined if you start hitting on some good winners in the market shortly after beginning to trade live.
Until or unless you accept this belief as fact, you are doomed to be stuck in a cycle of boom and bust trading, meaning you might hit some good winners along the way but ultimately you are going to blow out your trading account or just hover around break - even at best.
(Not surprisingly, the airport's home carrier, Singapore Airlines, is also a World's Best winner.)
If you want to raise the kind of gamer that you'd actually want to play with, they need to learn how to be a good loser AND a good winner.
Calling Wallinger's work «as accessible and funny as it is deadly serious,» the Guardian's art critic Adrian Searle declared: «I can't think of a better winner, nor of works more deserving of a wide audience.»
In the best winners circle, some of what is now made for us China will come back to being made in the USA, where management systems exist to make sure it's done right: safe; efficient; and clean.
For the best Winner South Dakota General Practice lawyers and Winner South Dakota General Practice attorneys in the business, AttorneysDelivered will «deliver».
We strive to connect you with the best Winner South Dakota General Practice lawyers and attorneys in your location Start by choosing a location and category in your area.
Children at this age may start to enjoy playing team games, although if they are still developing the emotional skills required to be a good winner and loser, may have difficulty losing cheerfully at some games.
«Through sport, young people learn skills about good relating, acceptance, how to be good winners and good losers, how to deal with disappointment, how to be part of a team.»
Only the best for the winner of the BFF drawing and odds are good the winner could be YOU!
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