Sentences with phrase «gorgeous sunshine»

The phrase "gorgeous sunshine" means that the sun is shining beautifully and making everything look bright and lovely. Full definition
You've just had an amazing holiday and enjoyed days of gorgeous sunshine, complete relaxation, Read More
So, come into CHICAGO where yes, there has been nothing but gorgeous sunshine and clear air.
Brisbane known it beautiful river, gorgeous sunshine now, speed events like never before quick easy now!
Today we head across to the beautiful Island of Mallorca and with it bring back a huge dose of gorgeous sunshine!
When I woke up this morning to the gorgeous sunshine coming through our trees, I knew today was the day!
Have a blast this summer, sweet friends, no matter what you cook, where you go, or how you spend your gorgeous sunshine filled months!
The weather around here has been rainy for days and has finally turned to gorgeous sunshine.
I'm off for a long walk in the gorgeous sunshine today.
I just got back from Florida and what really made my trip (besides the gorgeous sunshine, ocean water and tropical heat), was this cute little dress that I took along.
There was a cool breeze and gorgeous sunshine!
We went for a long walk in the gorgeous sunshine, stopping by Fineart gallery (new Museum Sunday post coming -LSB-...]
We've had some gorgeous sunshine in Doncaster lately, and the temperatures haven't been too bad at all for the time of year, so I took the opportunity to wear this dress sans layers.
Enjoy the gorgeous sunshine!
Dreaming of either gorgeous sunshine or just crisp, dry, holiday - worthy weather.
Yesterday, it cleared up and we had gorgeous sunshine — the perfect weather for changing the tires on my car.
Longer days, warmer weather, gorgeous sunshine.
You can mix the bright lights of Cancun with the magnificent and evocative Mayan temples on the Riviera Maya, or head to sleepy Tulum to soak up the gorgeous sunshine in peace.
Bask in the gorgeous sunshine, stroll down the soft sandy beaches as the tide caresses your feet, and look out onto the horizon feeling at peace as you leave the stress of everyday life far far behind you.
Bask in the gorgeous sunshine, stroll down the soft sandy beaches and look out onto the horizon feeling at peace as you leave the stress of everyday life far far behind you.
You might amble down to the beach and enjoy a day in the gorgeous sunshine, or take a stroll around the little town, popping into shops and cafés.
In the Caribbean, you may get lucky and have gorgeous sunshine in the rainy season, and no sun at all in the dry season.
Spend your days relaxing by the pool and soaking up some of the gorgeous sunshine, before heading to the spa for a massage so you can truly relax.
April in Belize is the perfect time to enjoy the country's gorgeous sunshine, warm Caribbean waters, and pristine rainforests and jungles teeming with tropical birds and exotic wildlife.
We want to bask in the gorgeous sunshine all day long, but what about when the sun sets and it's time to go back indoors?
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