Sentences with phrase «gory detail as»

Bask in the gruesome glow of the infamous X-Ray Kill Cam, and watch in gory detail as rotting flesh and organs are shredded from the inside.
Cut out eyes and mouth and other gory details as you please.
There are also concerns about whether the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will treat shared - solar investments as securities, which could trigger all sorts of problems, but I'll spare you those gory details as well.

Not exact matches

Leaving aside all the gory details for a minute regarding the merits of his plan, what continues to strike me as discomfiting (but increasingly predictable) about his technocratic leanings is not just a lack of transparency regarding his ultimate intentions but a deeper and more persistant distrust of open public debate.
Soon it became long chats as each and every one of them felt it was her duty to tell me the gory details of her birthing experiences.
Having lived through this emotional mindf * ck with my FIL and now feeling calm enough to recant the torrid tale — I'll spare you the gory details — I'm reminded of the many times my girls have gotten into disagreements with one another and the coping mechanisms my husband and I have used as a means to resolve their differences.
The idea, though not popular, was understood easily as we explained how we get fined for breaking speed limits or jumping red lights (we kept the gory details of theft or murder crimes for another time).
As he unveiled the charges against one of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's top lieutenants, Preet Bharara hoped aloud for a jury trial «so that all New Yorkers can see, in gory detail, what their state government has been up to.»
In July, just as I wrote my last Gory Details post at Science News, I accepted a job at National Geographic as their first online science editor.
One possibility, as the scientists write in the online version of the journal Psychological Science, is that our abstract existential system has no tolerance for the gory details of death; in fact, abstract thoughts of death generate an aversion to bodily fluids, including blood.
As a brand new contributor to, you are now my audience with whom I will share all of the gory details.
Receiving restrictive ratings in the US and Canada, this film delights in gory violent details as unwitting customers arrive at Todd's barbershop, only to have their throats slit and their bodies butchered.
As a writer of suspense / thrillers with quite a lot of police procedurals, I was bound to come across this kind of question within myself — should I, or should I not, include details of killings such as gory scenes, or torturAs a writer of suspense / thrillers with quite a lot of police procedurals, I was bound to come across this kind of question within myself — should I, or should I not, include details of killings such as gory scenes, or torturas gory scenes, or torture?
I shared how I became a cat behavior specialist, and discussed my approach to helping folks, as well as sharing the gory details about some of my favorite and most challenging cat behavior cases!
As it is, most people will have to suffer many aggravating deaths before they get good enough to really appreciate the game's detailed, gory combat.
In CoD: WWII, the survival horror gameplay mode returns to the original gory and suspenseful horror seen in the first versions instead of the campy action seen in Call of Duty: Future Warfare, and it really benefits from the awesome visuals, as the zombies here are terrifying and highly detailed..
And just as political scientist Herman Kahn was the bard of nuclear terror, scientists like James Hansen and James Lovelock lay out our coming environmental apocalypse in gory detail: the droughts and fires, the drowned cities, the massive die - offs.
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