Sentences with phrase «gospel as the cross»

Her story is as much a part of the gospel as the cross!

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Acts 11 is about the gospel crossing boundaries as daunting as any we have in our world today.
He doesn't know what he is talking about, as I believe the cross is central to the Gospel.
According to John's Gospel, Ascension Day begins already on Good Friday as Jesus is «lifted up» on the cross to draw men to himself, and Pentecost begins on Easter as Jesus breathes the Spirit on the disciples.
As the Gospel unfolds, virtually all of Jesus» closest followers abandon, betray or deny him as he moves ever closer to the crosAs the Gospel unfolds, virtually all of Jesus» closest followers abandon, betray or deny him as he moves ever closer to the crosas he moves ever closer to the cross.
I would argue that mission has always been conceived as witness to the Gospel across religious boundaries, and that mission is considered to have happened when an individual or group of one religion cross over into another religious domain with its message and promises.
The cross is critical to the Gospel, people would say, and essential for accomplishing the mission of Jesus in the world, but it is not usually thought of as the primary way in which Jesus shows us what God is truly like.
Each had a unique message as well as an explicit gospel message: «The cross of Christ is the key to heaven».
Also 2 Peter 3:9 seems clear that God wants no one to perish so sending storms as punishment that kills people makes no sense, it makes no sense of the cross and the gospel
The word from the cross, «Father, forgive them for they know not what they do», gathers up many prior words in his teaching: «forgive us our debts as we forgive»; the declaration of forgiveness to the paralytic (Matthew 9:1 - 7); the word which is still part of the Gospel though a late addition to the Gospel record, «neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more» (John 8: 11).
And the gospel narratives about the resurrection of Jesus portray a «body» which was indeed very strange — a «body» which in one sense is presented as quasi-physical, to be sure, but, which also can appear without movement from place to place, a «body» which bears the marks of his passion, but which is not exactly the same as the body which hung upon the cross.
In fact one (of many) miscues in the gospels is when Jesus is claimed to have ordered his apostles to «take up the cross» — the cross would not have had meaning to Jesus when he was living... unless of course... oh right... the cross had been around as a religious symbol for thousands of years... oops.
But the whole Gospel is not here, and we must not expect any one parable to contain that; what is not here is what no parable can portray what only the cross can show — the cost of this love as shown the death of the Son.
As The Gospel Coalition noted, Jehovah's Witnesses do not ascribe to the Trinity, do not believe that Jesus is divine, and avoid traditional markers of Christianity including Christmas, Easter, and the cross.
Instead, we tend to think of the Sermon on the Mount and the stories of the gospels as interesting backstory to Jesus» march to the cross, where the penalty for our sins was paid in full.
The gospel of the cross is indeed the hidden and not so hidden meaning of all the Scriptures, but this gospel can not be extracted from Scripture as something apart from or independent of its context.
However, offering slang and fashionable jargon as «renewed» preaching, celebrating the secular embrace of certain Christian symbols (i.e., use of crosses as warnings at highway danger points, putting Christ in Christmas, etc.), or reducing the Gospel to the lowest common denominator of acceptable faith and ethic will hardly be received by a serious world as adequate penance.
But it matters little as far as the main message of the Apostle is concerned, for what concerned him was not so much the specific doctrines at issue, but (or so I think) the fact that any doctrine, any putative representation of the «wisdom of the world,» should take the place of the Gospel that is the «word of the cross
One can almost feel the confusion of Satan in the end the Gospel accounts as Jesus, who has struggled and taught and healed against all the death and destruction and lies of the devil throughout His entire three years of ministry, now goes silently to the cross, like a lamb to the slaughter.
The «politics of Jesus,» to use Yoder's phrase, demands that through the collective witness of the Church Christians bring the gospel to the attention of the world with a compelling and revolutionary challenge to the powers of the age, as Jesus did by rejecting temporal power and accepting death on the cross.
Read the Book of Jude and you will see a description of pastors, bishops, leaders of «social organizations» such as the UCC, The United Methodists, Presbyterian USA, Episcopal, and ultra-liberal LEADERS of these denominationsTheirs is a social gospel of works that bypass and dismiss the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
However, perhaps most significantly and particularly since the Jesus of St John's Gospel is often portrayed as a strong figure who carries his own cross, from the beginning of the Gospel to its end, Vanier dwells on the vulnerability, fragility, tenderness and absolute love of Jesus.
You protested that the articles suggested you do not include the cross in the «Gospel» which you defined yourself in your latest post and in previous articles as «the entire New Testament gospel&rGospel» which you defined yourself in your latest post and in previous articles as «the entire New Testament gospel&rgospel».
Because the cross is the center piece of the Gospel, and you men have removed it from what a lost man must know, understand or believe, your position is aptly come to be known as a «Crossless» gGospel, and you men have removed it from what a lost man must know, understand or believe, your position is aptly come to be known as a «Crossless» gospelgospel.
Never in the gospel of John is the cross or the resurrection given as the content or object of saving faith.
My question was looking to elicit your opinion as to how Christ's deity, His work on the cross, and His resurrection can be included in a Gospel presentation with it adding to faith.
The authors quote a few writings of mine as proof that I have ripped the cross out of the gospel, and all I can say is that they should have read the entire article from which they quote, and some of my other writings as well.
For example, to include Christ's substitutionary death on the cross in a Gospel presentation is adding to the Gospel (the Gospel always being defined as belief on the Lord Jesus Christ results in eternal life).
Bultmann's critical studies convinced him that the gospels as such are necessarily concerned with only one historical fact: the «thatness» of Jesus and his cross.
The gospel is the criterion of all we do, as Martin Luther expressed so succinctly; crux probat omnia (the cross tests everything).
The Jazz Museum at the Old Mint held a sampling of the sometimes naughty, little - known collages that jazz great Louis Armstrong made in the final two decades of his life, as well as Satch Hoyt's tambourines linked into chains attached to mirrors to form endless columns, or halved and assembled into crosses reminiscent of the city's famous ironwork; and there were two installations by Dario Robleto, one featuring preserved, mounted butterflies with antennae made of audio tape delicately perched on the edges of the fossilized inner - ear bones of whales, and the other a collaboration with the record label Dust - to - Digital to preserve early gospel music.
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