Sentences with phrase «gospel issue»

The phrase "gospel issue" refers to a matter or topic that is important and directly related to the teachings and values of Christianity. It emphasizes that a particular issue is significant in light of the principles and message of the gospel, which involves love, forgiveness, and salvation as taught by Jesus Christ. Full definition
Yet, as movement, we won't appropriate the good news if we continue to refuse to see racism and systemic brokenness as gospel issues.
So we have two conflicting gospel issues here; maybe the problem is that the question presumes that Government is the Savior.
Thus, the problem with leaving on the basis that gay marriage is a gospel issue is that CCCU's membership is so diverse that it embodies at best only a very minimal understanding of what the gospel is.
This is not a secondary issue; it is a Gospel issue and therefore, a discipleship issue.
It's not a Gospel issue
«Health is such a Gospel issue.
I have to treat this as a gospel issue
Let's push back on this idea that gay marriage is a «gospel issue» and that we must break fellowship with those with whom we disagree.
I indicated in a previous comment that I would refrain from debating this gospel issue any more because none of us on either side are getting anywhere with the others, and I have better things to do.
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