Sentences with phrase «gospel values»

Theology provides an imperative, therefore, to expose hidden political meanings and then to evaluate them in terms of gospel values.
This over watch would not be needed if Gospel values dominated in decision making.
If we were guided by gospel values in political decisions, this would affect areas such as economics and taxation, military spending and war, the prison system and the penal codes, equality among the sexes, training and education, and a wide variety of other issues that consume the national debates.
A Christ - centered approach to holistic education, focused on Gospel values, enhances our community and our world.
While Students for Life advances Gospel values in their admirable pro-life work, their strategy prevents them from making evangelism an explicit core commitment.
Women take the initiative in promoting gospel values and celebrating God's presence in the home.
What I noticed missing most were the attributes of Christ in peoples lives and gospel values which intern effected their often poor decision making.
At baptisms, weddings and funerals we need to add Gospel value to rites of passage.
Such a koinonia has precedents in, e.g. Kagawa's Fellowship of Friends of Jesus, whose purpose was «to promote a sense of unity and other Gospel values, yet without belonging to a community.»
Since government and those in political positions of power are those who make decisions about how the world is to be run, such decisions should be guided and governed by gospel values and goals.
Once on the Brook site it is easy for a young person to access all sorts of «reproductive» advice that strikes at the heart of Gospel values and right reason.
These are gospel values, and as such, any art that promotes such things is gospel art.
She could then become a vaguely benevolent NGO operating according to the nebulous and malleable principles often labelled «gospel values».
In some ways it has become unrecognisable, when political figures can be hounded out of office because of their Christian commitment and gospel values are thoroughly marginalised.
Gospel values are not part of it.
Catholic News Agency: Pope's representative calls on US Church for New Evangelization The Church in the United States and its bishops should play a major role in the New Evangelization by presenting the gospel values they maintain amidst a secular culture, the Pope's representative to the U.S. said.
Some are warm and open to gospel values and some are cold and closed, but God is Lord of all of them.
O.T. and Gospel values to be rethought in context of globalization.
The booklet itself includes: * Get to know me page, * All about me cloud, * How have I contributed page, * Collective Worship page, * Gospel Values, * Multi-Faith Research Task, * AND MUCH MORE!!!
An excellent Catholic school has a clearly articulated, rigorous curriculum aligned with relevant standards, 21st century skills, and Gospel values, implemented through effective instruction.
Curran Fellows are prepared to ensure that these Gospel values permeate every aspect of the school community — spiritually, instructionally, and in the day - to - day management of a school.
Embracing the Gospel value of welcoming the stranger, CLINIC promotes the dignity and protects the rights of immigrants in partnership with a dedicated network of Catholic and community legal immigration programs.
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