Sentences with phrase «gossamer thin»

The «gossamer thin difference between illusion and the real» (Cool Memories III: Fragments, 1997) articulates itself in these works through the diaphanous, illusory layers that stack upon each other.
The pages are parchment — treated animal skin cut so gossamer thin the accompanying drawings can be seen through the page.
More seriously still, the gossamer thin narrative of You Were Never Really Here is barely able to sustain the unrelenting gore that perennially threatens to drown the film.
Director Francis Lawrence does a fine job of immersing the audience into a universe where the veil between this world and all the others is gossamer thin, but having done that, he seems to think that his work is done.
The Grand Budapest Hotel (Wes Anderson)-- It's Wes Anderson - lite: the film is witty, the characters gossamer thin and the sets elaborate and gorgeous.
It was a gossamer thin cream long cardigan with a single clasp at the bust.
Like spider silk, the NIF yarns are stronger than steel and so gossamer thin as to be almost invisible.

Not exact matches

More wildly, future iterations of Sprites could become Breakthrough's hoped - for «StarChips» — spacecraft integrated with gossamer - thin, meter - wide «lightsails» that would travel at 20 percent the speed of light to Alpha Centauri or other nearby stars, propelled by high - powered pulses of photons from a gargantuan ground - based laser array.
For example, a deep layer 5 pyramidal neuron might snake its gossamer - thin output wire, the axon, to a subcortical target area while also extending a connection to an inhibitory local neuron.
THE risk to spacecraft from a collision with space debris could be reduced by equipping launchers with a gossamer - thin «sail».
Others call for constructing gossamer - thin thousand - kilometer - wide «sails» in space, which would ride on powerful laser or particle beams out of solar system.
There's been a mini-spate of low - budget vehicles for older actresses recently — shoestring - budget films that feel gossamer - thin, yet feature stellar, subtle work by their leading ladies.
French filmmaker Philippe Garrel has been specializing lately in gossamer - thin portraits of failed relationships, usually shot in gorgeous widescreen monochrome.
There are quite a few people on this magazine, myself included, who like a lairy rear - drive car, but there is a difference between being able to give the accelerator a decent prod to easily unhook the grip of the rear tyres and feeling like you're treading on gossamer - thin eggshells through a turn because you're tryng not to break traction every time you press the throttle pedal.
In Gossamer, you choose descriptive words (Littlest, Thin Elderly, Fastidious) instead of traditional names.
T he divide between Mack's stationery pieces and his kinetic sculptures is gossamer - thin, however: Viewing these works together, the motion of the motors is replicated by the catalytic motion of the viewer in the still sculptures.
Perhaps there is a thin gossamer thread or theme with these artists.
«Imagine monumental, amorphous shapes of gossamer - thin fabric sacks that resemble teardrops... now picture them hanging from a bizarre weblike environment.
The Gossamer Orbit Lowering Device, or GOLD system, uses an ultra-thin balloon (thinner than a plastic sandwich bag), which is inflated with gas to the size of a football field and then attached to large pieces of space debris.
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