Sentences with phrase «got great name recognition»

Not exact matches

1) Produce lots of titles to increase name recognition and sales overall; 2) Lower your price point and the readers will follow; 3) Don't worry about pricing, just focus on great writing; 4) Be a guest blogger, have your own blog, tweet, join forums, talk to readers, get reviews; 5) Use your ebook as a promotional piece to sell classes, services, and other products; 6) There is no magic bullet, just keep doing everything and eventually you'll break through.
It is a great opportunity to explore new authors who don't get the recognition from the big name publishers.
In March, she launched a series of first - time buyer seminars, and she's tapping more online outlets to increase her name recognition and get greater exposure for listings.
A great way to help students get off on a sound financial footing — and create name recognition among future home owners — is to offer free seminars to high school and college students.
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