Sentences with phrase «gotten urinary tract problems»

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I used to get very frequent urinary tract infections and have also had a run in with kidney problems, which is said to make UTIs a lot more frequent.
Whether it's your first urinary tract infection or you've had one multiple times, we've got the facts on what you need to know to deal with this common problem.
And the problem is most people whose intestinal tracts are alkaline, or guts are alkaline especially the stomach, they're gonna have protein issues, they're gonna have maldigestion; if a urinary tract is too alkaline, you're gonna get a yeast infection, or a UT — a UTI or E. coli, you know, BB infection.
If you have ever suffered (or are currently suffering) from urinary tract problems, you know how vital it is to get both rapid and long - lasting relief.
Before deciding the problem is insecurity, take her to the vet and get her checked for a urinary tract infection.
Digestive Problems There are several urinary tract diseases rabbits can get, but the most common is bladder stones and sludge.
«When cats present with urinary tract problems, the recommendation is to get them on a water - rich diet,» Pierson says.
If your dog gets recurring urinary tract infections, thus predisposing it to a struvite bladder stone, it is important to examine it for abnormal anatomy of the vulva, for obesity, and problems with the urethral sphincter.
They can also get: eye problems, brain injuries, broken bones, birthing difficulties, tumours, cysts, urinary tract infections, uterine problems, problems with the ears, overgrown teeth and claws, diarrhoea, dehydration, worms, general injuries, abscesses, and anything else other hamsters can have.
So, getting your veterinarian's perspective on how ailments (arthritis, urinary tract disease, hypothyroidism, cancer, etc.) potentially are associated with behavior problems is -LSB-...]
Urinary tract infections and crystal formation can lead to litter box problems, leaving you to deal cat urine problems like trying to get the odor out of your carpet.
Physical: The most important thing to do is get your cat to a veterinarian to rule out cystitis, urinary tract conditions or bladder problems, some of which can become deadly in hours.
Cats often don't get enough water — a common cause of kidney and urinary tract problems.
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