Sentences with phrase «governed by»

Second, the symbolization involved is governed by modes of creation and association characteristic of the unconscious and not subject to testing against receptive awareness.
Are high tech devices like GPS and circuit boards governed by Newtonian physics or The Theory of Relativity.
He can not by any decision or act of his own change his caste, and his activities in every department of life — particularly in such matters as marriage, eating, and education — are governed by caste regulations.
The world was regarded as directly governed by spiritual powers, as a man controls his body.
Each was governed by distinctive premises and epistemology, rendering the whole a collection of incompatibles.
But apart from any particular applications of prophecy, we are to understand that everything else that the Proclamation contains is governed by this maxim: «The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand».
Under the democracy of desire, education is governed by the twin principles of self - realization and social accommodation.
Finally, Judaea was reduced to the position of a province governed by an imperial official, while the rest of the country was left to native princes responsible to the emperor.
The idea was that, just as all bodies are governed by the law of gravitation and organisms by biological laws, so the creature called man also had his law - with this great difference, that a body could not choose whether it obeyed the law of gravitation or not, but a man could choose either to obey the Law of Human Nature or to disobey it.
Democratic capitalism is characterized by a functioning, representative government — that is, it is governed by individuals who are chosen by the populace in free and fair elections and who are then able to freely legislate and enforce such laws and rules as they deem proper.
Think of our world as a cooperative endeavor created, ordered, and governed by God.
I believe that the churches should be taxed and if they cross the line between religious organizations and political organizations they should be labeled a lobbying organization and be governed by those regulations.
That economic terms apply to religious behavior indicates a larger truth for Stark: both economic and religious choices are governed by reason.
The same Americans are not in agreement on what that perception of reality should mean in terms of abortion law, but, if we believe in a society governed by democratic discourse and decision, that perception of reality and the consideration of its legal ramifications can not be ruled out of order.
Chemistry is governed by the law of physics.
Nevertheless, it's not clear how belief in a personal God — a God who creates and who answers prayers — is to he aligned with the scientific view of the cosmos as an ancient universe governed by impersonal and tightly knit laws.
Life, or Biology, is governed by the rules of chemistry.
Clergy serving churches with congregational polity are finding themselves to be governed by constitutions and by - laws in direct contrast to the monarchical clergy styles of a passing generation.
And it would be governed by the bishops.
The second stage is governed by the private ideal, gradually shaped in the process itself; whereby the many feelings, derivatively felt as alien, are transformed into a unity of aesthetic appreciation immediately felt as private.
It is, of course, governed by democratic laws (including federal Civil Rights laws), just as are the private clubs like those remaining in Philadelphia, Augusta, etc., or those set up by college students — sororities, fraternities, or the sort of club in the SOCIAL NETWORK which provokes such envious emotions in Mark Zuckerberg.
Courageous people are governed by principles of ethics and a moral framework.
A realistic assessment of our situation — so the neo-orthodox theologians of this century have taught us — will not allow us to assume sanguinely that we can generate solutions to these conditions solely from within a situation governed by the conditions themselves.
Typically, Western ethics, on account of its atomic individualism, is governed by considerations which extend not much beyond the immediate difficulties of a single generation.
Governed by its subjective aim, a concrescence will naturally follow the historic routes which have led to previous satisfactions and avoid those which have minimized or trivialized value realization.
Indeed, the Italian and German governments» relations with the Church are still governed by them.
This Church, constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him, although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure.
Miroslav Volf points out that Cain's murder of Abel was governed by faultless logic:
Jesus, it is argued, was trying to set up a spiritual kingdom, governed by the rule and reign of God within men's hearts.
The material man lives at an aesthetic level, He is governed by desire.
At stake was whether Catholicism in America would be governed by the traditional hierarchy or adopt a more «democratic» polity along the lines of Protestant denominationalism.
The Storm Theatre and Blackfriar's Reparatory Company (with a little help from Shakespeare, of course) have conjured up a delightful world worth a visit where faith, hope and love reign, all governed by a great deal of wit.
All these efforts to assist and regulate the poor were governed by a crucial distinction between the «worthy» and «unworthy» poor, between those who could not be blamed for their dire straits and those who could, between those who were redeemable and those who were not, between public neighbors entitled to support and those subject to scorn.
Bingham is on target in arguing that culture constitutes the fast track of evolutionary development — a track governed by basic evolutionary dynamics, including the «nature bats last» factor of natural selection.
Catholic kings received those rights first, but the nation - states would soon inherit them — nation - states that were, as often as not, governed by a doctrine of often anti-Catholic laicism.
The universe seems to be governed by consistent laws that don't change.
So at the last minute to try to get the rules to change and use the old adage of «religious persecution» if conformity to your will is not met does not hold merit as sport is not a subset of religion and shouldn't be governed by it.
«All events,» as John Calvin put it, «are governed by God's secret plan.»
Where religion is independent of the state but confined to merely «private» questions and not governed by a public theology, social morality becomes merely opportunistic.
But baseball, despite its American origins, has always been governed by an Italian approach.
Communities are governed by a small group of «qualified» individuals who discuss reasonably what a healthy spiritual community should look like.
This simple plow announces a prophetic hope: the longstanding hope for the day when God will get God's way, a way that will turn into grander than one governed by judges, bailiffs and parole officers.
Where freedom of religion is allowed but not governed by a public theology, the sharing at the communion rail has little chance of being translated into the sharing of bread and drink with the hungry and thirsty.
Human beings are governed by the physiological and neurological limitations that govern our perceptions and our thinking processes.
Natural law doctrine only makes sense in a universe governed by a benevolent Creator.
Lolli writes: «An even dim awareness of the pleasurable connotations of some phases of the drinking episode can not fail to stir up anxieties in those therapists whose conscious and even more whose unconscious life is governed by the principle: «I shall help the sufferer and punish the celebrant.»»
And the United States in 1977 is hardly an occupied land governed by a distant emperor.
What they say is so governed by the prose of print that most listeners can not grasp the thought.
Indeed, a course is internally ordered and coherent precisely to the extent that its design is governed by some central interest.
William F. Buckley, Jr. famously said that he would rather be governed by the first two thousand people in the Boston phone directory than by the faculty of Harvard University.
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