Sentences with phrase «government around the globe»

We are seeing more and more governments around the globe realise that empowering cities is key to the future of their nations.
With governments around the globe cracking down on all aspects of the cryptocurrency market, it seems like new regulatory risks arise every day.
The push from governments around the globe to identify and register beneficial owners of assets, corporations and other structures leads to many uncertainties and requires a careful review and, if need be, adjustment of the existing estate and wealth planning of our clients.
«I'm similarly impressed by the fragility of our economic system, even though it's been reinforced with so many heavy measures by governments around the globe, ECB bond - buying programs and zero interest rate policies here in the U.S., for instance.»
Where is CNN's (and the rest of the media in the non-Muslim world's) outrage at the «convert or die» philosopy and conduct of people and governments around the globe which profess and adhere to the tenets of Islam?
You are claiming that climate scientists have routinely lied in scientific papers, kept all of this secret in some kind of giant conspiracy, and misled not just the public but all the scientific institutions in the world, as well as governments around the globe.
For governments around the globe, including Alberta, climate change is a strong motivator.
Though governments around the globe and the entire climate science community are discussing and debating the «option» of geoengineering (never admitting to the rationally inarguable fact that geoengineering has been going on for decades), the question of fallout contamination from SRM aerosol spraying is never even mentioned by our so called scientists.
This document also confirms the involvement of foreign governments around the globe, even governments that would otherwise have been considered «hostile to US interests».
«Our Digital Identity technology helps governments around the globe provide trusted Blockchain solutions.
They are utilized by companies and governments around the globe like: Alcatel - Lucent, Cisco, Fujitsu, HBO, HP, Lenovo, LG, Motorola, Nokia, Orange, Samsung, Sky, and Texas Instruments.
Cryptocurrencies have been getting mixed reception from governments around the globe.
Their warning on Friday was sent out to governments around the globe, who convene and fund the IPCC.
Governments around the globe are participating in the climate engineering not only over their own countries, there is also the weather warfare aspect between opposing countries.
Under the CBD, governments around the globe have committed to halting human - caused extinctions and protecting wildlife environments by 2020.
In the coming months, governments around the globe will become more and more aware of the meaning of transaction technologies and the role they play in digitization.
He said Facebook believes that moving towards a local selling structure will provide greater levels of transparency to policymakers and governments around the globe «who have called for greater visibility over the revenue associated with locally supported sales in their countries».
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