Sentences with phrase «government colleagues»

The poll, conducted by YouGov on behalf of the Media Standards Trust, comes as Cameron and some senior government colleagues prepare to receive the report at lunchtime on Wednesday ahead of publication on Thursday, and a Commons statement by Cameron.
During the day, I am often moving between meetings, about 50 percent with City government colleagues and partners working on City tech projects, and 50 percent with startups, organizations, and individuals in the tech community.
For example, our friend and Shadow Government colleague Mike Green, one of the most respected Asia hands in either party, signed the recent letter in Shadow Government indicating he would vote for Clinton.
The news that Clegg is putting pen to paper comes as his former government colleagues Vince Cable and Norman Baker prepare to launch their own books at the Lib Dem annual conference next month.
Too many Tory advisers don't understand this, and their local government colleagues have failed to be robust enough with their Westminster colleagues.
But Sir Patrick's government colleagues insist he must take the public blame, with one Cabinet Minister saying: «The pressure will be on the party chairman - conference was a shambles.
Some of the recipients of that generosity are now anxiously waiting to hear what his State Government colleague, Campbell Newman, has in store for them.
However, of course the delay is understandable because Gordon Brown and many other senior government colleagues are entangled (to more or less extent) from the start.
The pro-Kinder Morgan arguments about paramountcy, and the rule of law consume headlines, but there has been little analysis of whether Premier Horgan and his government colleagues have been fulfilling their pledge.
As Truss made the point, her government colleague Sam Giymah, junior minister for prisons, struggled to keep a straight face.
These concerns have been put to the Minister, to the Department, to Government colleagues and to the Taoiseach.
One way in which ministers can make their government colleagues listen is to rethink the data used to make the economic case for tourism.
«We want to officially express our support to our government colleagues and reiterate the importance of their role and function within government,» wrote the principals of Langlois lawyers, Robinson Sheppard Shapiro, Blake Cassels & Graydon LLP, Jolicœur Lacasse Avocats, Therrien Couture avocats, Dentons Canada, Dufresne Hébert Comeau and BCF.
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