Sentences with phrase «government deal»

Do you want to know why the world is seeing progress in how governments deal with their enemies?
As far as No Child Left Behind the federal government should provide yearly report cards on national test and let the states and local government deal with the results.
They do not come under the public scrutiny that governments deal with, and they can quickly narrow the decision criteria to the few critical decisions that will generate the most value.
While Wynne's minority Liberal government said a CPP enhancement was still Ontario's «preferred approach» to strengthening the retirement income system, the new provincial plan was touted as the next best thing as governments deal with aging populations and people who aren't saving enough for the future.
She applauded government for what she said is the swift manner in which government dealt with the bus branding saga, a project which was sole sourced.
Much of Europe is in recession, the Middle East saw violence escalate, and at home, the U.S. government dealt with contentious fiscal tightening.
But by 1994, he suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from the political scene — before reinventing himself as a financial consultant who used his political connections to secure lucrative government deals for clients.
Currently the Queensland government deals with endless submissions and appeals related to threats to groundwater, endangered species, soils, native title, etc., whenever it receives an application for a new coal or gas project.
«But right now he makes millions from his big government deals and he hurts taxpayers by taking huge tax breaks he doesn't need or deserve.
Fort Drum is among the many arms of the federal government dealing with furloughs as a result of the government shutdown.
Liberal Democrat MP David Laws was at the heart of talks with the Conservatives and Labour as a Coalition Government deal was thrashed out against the clock in May.
In June 2014, just before prominent Capital Region developer Joseph Nicolla allegedly worked with then - SUNY Polytechnic Institute President Alain Kaloyeros to rig a bid for a student - housing contract, Nicolla was working on an unrelated government deal: the sale of property in downtown Albany to clear the way for construction of a state - funded convention center.
A recent government deal for two new EPRs in the U.K. has also come under fire.
Other schools are relying on government deals to stave off closure.
Imprisonment was a common (and rather pointless) way governments dealt with debtors, who were given no way to earn money to pay back their debts.
Though the remaining two - thirds of REDD offset demand came mainly from companies pursuing corporate social responsibility targets, the government - to - government deal marked the type of «jurisdictional or state - scale initiative that is likely to become more common in the future.
Currently the NSW government deals with endless submissions and appeals related to threats to groundwater, endangered species, soils, native title, etc., whenever it receives an application for a new fossil fuel or forestry - related project.
Currently the SA government deals with endless submissions and appeals related to environmental threats whenever a new company applies to drill for gas or oil, for example.
Currently the Victorian government deals with endless submissions and appeals related to threats to groundwater, endangered species, soils, native title, etc., whenever it receives an application for a new fossil fuel or logging project.
Following a nail - biting U-turn, the UK government dealt a big blow to the criminal and corrupt.
In 2004, the SFO started an investigation into suspected accounting irregularities relating to BAE and a government to government deal struck in 1985: Britain signed the Al - Yamamah arms for oil deal with Saudi Arabia, the biggest ever UK export contract involving the sale of 120 Tornado fighter jets.
While the US government deals with having less A's these days it's been AAA (August Acquisition Action) in the world of legal publishing.
Ontario government deals another blow to injured Ontario motorists with the Common Traffic Impairment Guideline
The manner in which the Labour Government dealt with the cut in legal aid was to develop further the availability of conditional fees.
Emphasis was placed on the importance of these agreements being between each Indian government and the United States government as a whole instead of Indian governments dealing with individual agencies.
«I think most typical institutional investors will look at government deals and say they don't want the headache,» Jankowski notes.
Acquario wants to know how the state will help local governments deal with unfunded mandates, such as paying for Medicaid, but there are other examples too.
While Wynne's minority Liberal government said a CPP enhancement was still Ontario's «preferred approach» to strengthening the retirement income system, the new provincial plan was touted as the next best thing as governments deal with aging populations and people who aren't saving enough for the future.
When the U.S. government deals with the Arab - Israeli conflict, its language is often more ambiguous.
Let local governments deal with other issues.
Instead, we need to be asking «How will your government deal with deficits that are almost certain to occur?»
«There are losers from (open trade) and as long as governments deal with the losers, so that they don't feel left out, then everyone can benefit,» Pissarides told CNBC on Saturday at the China Development Forum in Beijing.
Jerry Jana, Director of Economic Affairs for Malawi's new ruling party (following former President Bingu wa Mutharika's unexpected death in April) has said that long - term projects like the Nsanje port would be shelved while the government dealt with more pressing issues, like the country's fuel shortages and foreign exchange, according to Nyasa Times.
When the crisis did hit, the Bank of Canada and the government dealt with it as well as could be expected.
You can also find how our government dealt with a similar problem in the 70's.
Cohen has discussed offering the government a deal in which his firm would pay a fine, admit wrongdoing and close to outside investors to avoid prosecution, a person familiar with his thinking said last month.
How will governments deal with that, and with similar processes to come in other coastal areas and in the hotter, drier areas of the Southwest?
How the government deals with your personal data is set for radical change.
Let god deal with sin and government deal with legality.
How are governments dealing with the problem of foreign investors ratcheting up the cost of homes...
How are governments dealing with the problem of foreign investors ratcheting up the cost of homes in countries like the USA, Canada, Japan, etc..
In the United States, this system of Government is called a Jeffersonian Democracy, which favors a weak centralized government (without writing tons, a Jeffersonian believes the Local Government should have more control over an individual by law as they are easier for the individual to fight) and as the scope of authority rises in a federal system, the government deals less and less with the individual and more and more with lower governments.
How are governments dealing with the problem of foreign investors ratcheting up the cost of homes... This is an interesting question, by the way it is phrased.
John Reid has defended criticism from both the Conservatives and the former home secretary Charles Clarke saying that the split will help the government deal with the «challenges of today's world and focus on the priorities of today's people».
In return the government deal has seen the Lib Dems abandon their party policy to secure a decarbonisation target for 2030.
He posited that had the government dealt with other lawless behaviors in the past, the situation were people act with impunity would had been nipped in the bud.
The creation of the Special Prosecutor office is to enable the government deal with issues of corruption, especially among state officials.
Can we trust ANYONE our government deals with in relation to making a decision on fracking!?
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