Sentences with phrase «government delegates»

The phrase "government delegates" refers to government officials who are chosen or appointed to represent their government in various events, negotiations, or organizations. They act as representatives on behalf of their country to discuss and make decisions on important matters. Full definition
By Asad Rehman, Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland June 15, 2011 Dressed as the British folklore hero Robin Hood, youth climate activists were collaring passing government delegates on their way in to the Maritim Hotel, site of the climate talks in Bonn.
Dressed as the British folklore hero Robin Hood, youth climate activists were collaring passing government delegates on their way in to the Maritim Hotel, site of the climate talks in Bonn.
The 10,000 or so government delegates and journalists gathered at Bali are not discussing science ¯» the science is settled» is the alarmists» mantra — but politics, pure if not simple.
They did not have the tellers, so where did they generated their own ward and local government delegate list?
Based on the AIJS Invested Management Contract (CGI), the Costa Rican government delegates to Aeris Holding Costa Rica SA, the provision of services for the operation, management, maintenance, renovation, financing, construction, and promotion of Juan Santamaria International Airport - Read more
Twenty years ago, Professor Wangari Maathai addressed government delegates at the first United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also known as Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2014 could be the hottest year ever, enthused reporters, environmentalists and government delegates as they descended on Lima, Peru for a UN global warming gabfest, hoping against hope for good news after 18 straight years in which temperatures refused to climb.
The 14th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the 4th meeting of Parties to the Kyoto Protocol will draw almost 11000 participants, including government delegates from the 187 Parties to the UNFCCC and representatives from business and industry.
David Cameron will be hosting government delegates, businesses and civilians at the Lancaster House Summit, including US Secretary of State John Kerry, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani.
Government delegates attending next week's annual meeting of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) at the United Nations in Geneva will decide whether to continue in 2015 with multilateral talks on questions relating to «lethal autonomous weapons systems.»
«It is actually a social process of interactions, and that can go really well or it can go poorly, and it gets a whole lot more complicated when it's experts interacting with a sea of government delegates
President of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly Secretary General of the United Nations Your Excellences, Heads of State and Government Delegates to the Assembly Ladies and gentlemen
«There is no plan B, and if we do not realise plan A the future will hold us to account for it,» de Boer said in his opening speech to around 2,500 government delegates and representatives from business and environment groups.
While the IPCC is intended to be a scientific advisory panel, government delegates have been reviewing the summary report and make final decisions about it in Stockholm at the end of the month.
For almost a week, government delegates will pore over the summary of the IPCC's latest report on extreme weather, with the lead scientific authors there as well.
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