Sentences with phrase «government entanglement»

"Government entanglement" refers to a situation where the government becomes too involved or closely connected with certain aspects of society or the economy. It can imply that the government's interference can hinder or complicate the functioning of those areas, or lead to undue influence or control over them. Full definition
-RSB- Under the now familiar Lemon test, statutes must have both a secular legislative purpose and a principal or primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion, and in addition they must not foster excessive government entanglement with religion.
This is the best possible place for Common Core and those states that earnestly want to employ it — with no federal government entanglement at all.
Two Illinois courts of appeals held that Illinois» tax credit for educational expenses is constitutional because it has a clearly secular legislative purpose of ensuring a well - educated citizenry and relieving public expense, has the primary effect of effectuating those purposes, and involves no more government entanglement with religion than many other state tax laws.
«First, the statute must have a secular legislative purpose; second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion...; finally the statute must not foster «an excessive government entanglement with religion.»»
A third reason for not taxing church property is the excessive government entanglement that such taxation would bring.
It really is time to recognize that the real problem is making sure we avoid theocracy, and the way to do that is to end religion - government entanglement, such as faith - based initiatives and school vouchers or grants.
It consists of three prongs: The government's action must have a secular legislative purpose; The government's action must not have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion; The government's action must not result in an «excessive government entanglement» with religion.
But she also stressed that the bishops approach this with «their eyes open,» being sure to avoid school and government entanglement and federal and state officials «reaching into Catholic education.»
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