Sentences with phrase «government intrusion»

"Government intrusion" refers to when the government becomes involved or interferes with people's personal lives, choices, or activities. It can include things like laws, regulations, or policies that may restrict individual freedoms or invade privacy. Full definition
If we accept this level of government intrusion into consumer finance, then we should also trust them with our health insurance.
I get very nervous when I see this level of government intrusion in the free market.
In the past, cryptocurrency investors have enjoyed a marketplace largely free from government intrusion.
Keep government intrusion in our lives to a bare minimum.
From law school on, his focus has remained on criminal practice and procedure, and defence of individual rights in the face of government intrusion on those rights.
Unfortunately, those protections against government intrusion are not always respected.
And women, men, and teens must able to make their own decisions about their health and their futures without government intrusion.
I don't like government intrusion at all and I do think that these changes were unnecessary.
Do you believe that if this was being required of the elite private schools that they would not be yelling about big government intrusion into their schools.
Some believe they're an unwanted government intrusion into local control of schools, while others say nationwide standards are necessary to ensure a quality education across the country.
That would also end government intrusion into our personal financial situations.
... With today's executive action I'm taking historic steps to lift the restrictions on American energy, to reverse government intrusion and to cancel job - killing regulations.
Until recently, cryptocurrency investors have enjoyed an investment environment largely free from government intrusion.
It is the basic erosion of our rights and government intrusion into our freedom of religion.
The ability for women to make health care decisions without government intrusion is a personal freedom that must be protected at all costs.
Members of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) are making good on their threat to resign in protest of what they see as government intrusion on the autonomy of the organization.
«I continue to be bemused by the ultraconservative lawmakers who say they want smaller government and less government intrusion into people's lives, except when it comes to who you can marry and how many children you should have.»
Left leaning media like the idea of Basic Income, even though it is clearly an unrealistic policy and don't call the supporters of the idea populists, on the other hand TeaParty movement which advocates for lowering taxes and limiting government intrusion in life of citizens is described as populist.
They tend to demand strong reasons (such as «it is necessary to win this war», or «it causes brain damage», or «it risks eternal damnation») before agreeing with government intrusions into people's lives.
1995)(«[P] rotection of individuals from unreasonable government intrusion into their houses remains at the very core of the Fourth Amendment.»).
In effect, he turned the patriotic poster on its head, making it serve in his novel not as a symbol of heroic national resolve but rather of insidious government intrusion into the lives of its citizens.
Yet these same hypocrites invoke the name of Jesus when arguing for government intrusion when it comes to health care.
«Today's proposal continues to involve needless government intrusion in the internal governance of religious institutions, and to threaten government coercion of religious people and groups to violate their most deeply held convictions,» the statement said.
Indeed, raising the status of women is the best way to curb population growth WITHOUT ham - fisted government intrusion into family planning a la China.
This is a story about government intrusion into personal matters (regulating healthcare is not the same as regulating the speed limit, one is designed to keep you from hurting others, and one is designed to force you to lead a certain lifestyle).
Nothing shouts hypocrisy from the mountaintop like right wingers trying to ram through a Federal law to officially sanction government intrusion into the private lives of its citizens.
Republicans view the law, formally known as the Affordable Care Act, as a costly government intrusion and say individual insurance markets created by it are collapsing.
But more broadly, New York Republicans» comments hint at the conservative view of «affirmative consent» nationally: that it constitutes government intrusion into college students» bedrooms, is impossible to enforce, would ruin sex, would make every person a rapist and would make it impossible to prove that consent was given short of videotaping sexual encounters.
Robert Knakal, chairman of investment sales firm Massey Knakal Realty Services, which has brokered scores of residential building sales in recent years, said the bill was an unnecessary government intrusion.
«The bombastic rhetoric and severe government intrusion is divisive and uncalled for.
For such a bipartisan coalition to exist, Republicans like Reed have had to abandon what party leaders a generation ago would have dismissed as unnecessary «industrial policy» and an inappropriate government intrusion into the private sector.
But some libertarians see that as paternalistic government intrusion.
Now six years into his quest, Gates finds himself in an uncomfortable place — countering critics on the left and right who question whether the Common Core will have any impact or negative effects, whether it represents government intrusion, and whether the new policy will benefit technology firms such as Microsoft.
The House passed a nearly identical bill in 2013, but discontent with the Common Core academic standards and concerns about federal government intrusion have grown, and conservatives have said they want to get more out of an education bill in the newly Republican - controlled Congress.
Conclusion: Mandatory spay / neuter could create kitten mills, be unenforceable, and will be seen to be unwarranted government intrusion.
Oreskes warned Minchin that he was basing his decision on «bad information» and said that while many conservatives feared regulating greenhouse gas emissions amounted to an unwelcome government intrusion, avoiding taking action actually made those fears far more likely to come true.
Revising the CAFE standards, which could reduce the cost of future cars and would remove government intrusion from vehicle selection, is something Trump can do that would make doing business in America «make sense» again for U.S. car companies.
He noted, «there are still many policy challenges ahead, including alarmist climate change policies, the stifling of public charter schools, the spend - and - tax habit of state and local officials, weak private property rights protections, and local government intrusion disguised as «smart growth» policies.»
«Where the market is failing, is in the well - intentioned government intrusions to achieve certain policy objectives that have significant implications for power markets.
I have a different argument — if you hate government intrusion into people's lives, you'd better stop catastrophic global warming, because nothing drives a country more towards activist government than scarcity and deprivation.
As inequitable tax burdens, increased government intrusion and expanded entitlement programs squeeze the life out of an anemic economy, retirees unable to survive on their retirement incomes are headed back to the work force.
Greater privacy protections against government intrusion, including electronic surveillance.
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