Sentences with phrase «government operative»

A "government operative" refers to an individual who works for the government, usually in a secretive or undercover capacity. They are employed to carry out specific tasks, such as gathering information, conducting investigations, or influencing political events, on behalf of the government. Full definition
American Ultra by George Wolf Here's the pitch: what if Brad Pitt's Flintstones - watching stoner from True Romance was actually a highly trained government operative who can kill you with nothing... read more →
She stated, «This is to inform the general public that no cash was discovered and could have been discovered by government operatives during their search of our house on Monday, March 19, 2018.
The third explosive chapter of the blockbuster franchise that redefined the spy thriller finds extreme athlete turned government operative Xander Cage (Vin Diesel) coming out of self - imposed exile and on a collision course with deadly alpha warrior Xiang and his team in a race to recover a sinister and seemingly unstoppable weapon known as Pandora's Box.
Also involved in all this craziness is a shadowy government operative named Russell (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), and it's initially unclear if he's friend or foe.
On Jan. 9, Liam Neeson resumes his role as former government operative and current badass Bryan Mills in Taken 3.
Yep, I'm sure those 9 -1-1 terrorists (if you believe they were terrorists, and not government operative... but that's another post for another blog...) were doing a lot of praying... and, boy, did they change things!
The Purge: Election Year (R for profanity and disturbing, graphic violence) Third episode in the horror franchise finds a U.S. presidential candidate (Elizabeth Mitchell) and her bodyguard (Frank Grillo) on the run from government operatives during The Purge because of her campaign promise to discontinue the gruesome annual ritual.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (July 21) Based on the graphic novel series in which government operatives travel to a rapidly expanding intergalactic metropolis called Alpha, a Utopian convergence of talents where dark forces are at work.
Now working as a covert government operative in Oman, Bobby once again encounters Talia, who has made hard choices for good reasons.
Urged to volunteer for a covert project by mysterious government operative Matt Graver (Josh Brolin), she and her partner Reggie Wayne (Daniel Kaluuya) are suddenly so deep inside the rabbit hole up instantaneously becomes impossible to differentiate from down.
Synopsis: When U.S. government operative Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his mentor, Jim Phelps (Jon Voight), go on a covert assignment that takes a disastrous t...
Synopsis: When U.S. government operative Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) and his mentor, Jim Phelps (Jon Voight), go on a covert assignment that takes a disastrous turn, Jim is killed, and Ethan becomes the prime murder suspect.
Launched on March 8 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft's newest title places players in the shoes of a covertly trained government operative tasked with restoring law and order to New York City after a bioterror attack.
Even the villain, a cold - blooded government operative tasked with studying the creature and figuring out its secrets, gets defined by sexual dysfunction.
It's no walk in the park, however, as government operatives and the ever - frightening Necromorphs attempt to stop you from leaving.
As serious as it is to have a finance minister so badly wounded, however, some Liberal MPs and government operatives privately argue that Morneau's problems have been contained.
The reason for the search of Dikkos's residence by security operatives may not be unconnected with his activities during the over six years when he held sway as the boss of the «prime» revenue agency of the government
Dr William Darko, a Ghanaian resident in Ohio, said the speed at which government operatives defend obvious criminal acts is problematic and cited the BOST saga as an example.
His collaborators include geneticist and former Energyne employee Kate Caldwell (the gifted, Oscar - nominated Naomie Harris, not breaking a sweat) and mysterious government operative Agent Russell (a very amusing Jeffrey Dean Morgan) who gets to say things like «when science soils the bed, I'm the guy called in to change the sheets.»
Discharged black - ops agent Frank Moses (Bruce Willis, A Good Day to Die Hard) plays house with his girlfriend Sarah (Mary - Louise Parker, TV's Weeds), until his paranoid pal Marvin Boggs (John Malkovich, Warm Bodies) adds colour to their ordinary lives — followed by a contract killer (Lee Byung - hun, G.I. Joe: Retaliation) and evil government operative (Neil McDonough, Justified) threatening their wellbeing.
Thus far, we know the four characters will encompass: «an anarchist biker, an illegally infected survivor, a ZDC government operative, and a classified military operative.»
And though the director had been working on this story for years, its treatment of fragile masculinity (embodied by Michael Shannon's All - American government operative) feels totally aligned with 2017.
Covering a story about government seizure of drug dealers» property, even when those dealers wind up being acquitted, Webb stumbles upon a grand jury transcript that suggests that a major drug kingpin is actually a longtime government operative.
SYNOPSIS: Following the death of Superman, US government operative Amanda Waller assembles «Taskforce X», a -LSB-...]
In Guillermo del Toro's «The Shape of Water,» the actor plays the cattle - prod - wielding government operative who has discovered, and captured, an Amazonian river creature, half - man, half - amphibian.
From the co-director of John Wick, this similarly styled action romp puts Charlize Theron front and centre as an unstoppable government operative.
Richard Strickland (Michael Shannon), the surly government operative who captured the creature — whom he calls only «the asset» — and got two fingers bitten off for his troubles, is determined to learn its secrets.
His investigation leads him into a dangerous, looking - glass world of corporate cover - ups, government collusion and murder — and to shadowy government operative Darius Jedburgh (Ray Winstone), who has been sent in to clean up the evidence.
Vin Diesel's extreme athlete turned government operative comes out of retirement in the long - awaited third film in the action franchise.
Red has a nifty premise (retired government operatives led by Bruce Willis get revenge after being double - crossed), a terrific cast (Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, Helen Mirren, Mary Louise Parker), and totally adequate execution.
«A hovercar racer is tasked with escorting an informant to safety as the two come under fire from corrupt government operatives
We just saw how tired they are of being lied to by government operatives calling them «stupid.»
Instead of the calm government operative he was in the earlier games, Conviction's Sam Fisher is a free agent calling his own shots, and it has a huge impact on the gameplay.
The content that Russia - linked accounts spread on Twitter is not necessarily produced by Russian government operatives and does not always align with Russia's views, though that is sometimes the case, according to Hamilton 68.
A split second decision from the robot - like former government operative and Bourne sprints toward a window, out onto a ledge and leaps headlong into the air.
but was so secretive that people suspected he was a covert government operative.
Paramount Pictures will distribute «xXx: The Return of Xander Cage,» the long - awaited action sequel that sees Vin Diesel reprise his role as the extreme athlete turned government operative.
Denis Villeneuve)-- North American Premiere An idealistic FBI agent (Emily Blunt) joins two shadowy government operatives (Josh Brolin and Benicio del Toro) in a high - risk, cross-border sting against a Mexican cartel boss in this gritty drug war thriller from Quebec Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners).
Previous stories offered up head - scratching spin on the school shooting at Sandy Hook (which Jones states was a false flag operation carried out by government operatives) and a train wreck carrying dozens of Republican congressmen (which Jones attempts to spin into a devious plot by democrats to kill congressional rivals).
Why is Jeffrey Dean Morgan pretending to be a cowboy when his role is a government operative who contains science experiments gone wrong?
It is like the UFO nuts saying anyone who doesn't believe in UFOs is a government operative.
The last significant piece of the puzzle is Harvey, a government operative played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who does what he can to bring sly Southern charm to this pretty stock role, which otherwise involves simply trading juvenile insults with Johnson.
Sparrows are trained courtesans and government operatives.
Again: Backstreet Boys, nutty «government operative,» mollusk exoskeleton.
Her mom lives with an affable boyfriend (Matt Dillon) who claims to be a government operative, a reclusive younger brother who's built a synthetic exoskeleton modeled on mollusks, and an attractive lodger (Darren Criss) who's in a Backstreet Boys cover band.
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