Sentences with phrase «government probe»

News & Notes is a weekly Saturday post featuring book - and publishing - related news, links to interesting articles and opinion pieces, and other cool stuff Book News Leading authors call for [U.S.] government probe of Amazon's «damaging» power.
Facebook stock suffered its third worst week of all time in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica data scandal — which heightened privacy concerns and spurred government probes into the social media giant.
Since then, both Cambridge Analytica and Facebook have been the subject of government probes in the US and the UK.
WASHINGTON A telecommunications standards organization - GSMA - said on Saturday it is delaying implementation of a new cellphone technology due to a U.S. government probe of alleged coordination between the group, AT&T Inc and Verizon Communications Inc to hinder consumers from easily switching wireless carriers.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who was fired by the Trump administration but says he was terminated because he is a crucial witness in the Russia investigation, is raising funds to help cover costs defending against other ongoing government probes.
After incidents involving employee injuries, Mr. Wade has helped employers navigate government probes and avoid citations.
Government probes into offshore deal finances have been generating headlines for months, slamming some companies» shares, prompting asset sales, delaying purchases and spawning speculation about executives being detained.
July 2 - The WSJ publishes a lengthy report on a government probe into the allegations surrounding 1MDB, alleging the probe has traced nearly $ 700 million flowing from the fund to Najib's personal bank accounts.
It's the first time before Congress for the founder and CEO and comes amid a firestorm of user concerns and government probes.
Cohen's motive for becoming a Trump turncoat would be avoiding punishment from a government probe of his finances.
Shares of Goldman were up 1 %, after dropping during the previous session on reports that it had been subpoenaed as part of a government probe.
Scientists» protests and a government probe force out science minister and head of funding agency
Over 1.5 million Ford SUVs have been cleared in a government probe that examined allegations they were at risk of rolling away.
The entire case stemmed from a government probe on Apple price fixing the landscape of ebooks when it first launched the iBooks service.
The idea of statutory reform of standing was later shelved, but the current case is an interesting example of the Government probing the boundaries of the tests laid down by the courts.
It was later revealed that the government probe centers around Microsoft's alleged violation of Chinese «unfair trade» laws.
HSBC Holdings PLC says it will temporarily suspend foreclosures after a government probe revealed problems in the way it has handled some of its foreclosures.
HSBC plans to resume foreclosures once it has addressed the problems from the government probe, but it expects more delays in its foreclosure process for borrowers.
The bank has temporarily stopped foreclosures after a government probe uncovered problems with its process.
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