Sentences with phrase «government raids»

The phrase "government raids" refers to when the government takes action to search and seize property or make arrests in a forceful and sudden manner. It usually involves law enforcement officers carrying out a surprise operation to gather evidence or go after suspected criminals or illegal activities. Full definition
For its part, Gibson will pay a $ 300,000 fine, make a $ 50,000 contribution to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and forfeit wood valued at $ 261,000 seized in the 2009 government raid on its Nashville facilities.
The incident, the latest in the ongoing debate over whether Christians in Southeast Asia have the right to refer to God as Allah, was the first - ever government raid of the nation's Christian community.
«Voters have approved hundreds of millions of dollars to protect their drinking water and Suffolk government raided it,» Mr. Amper said during his press event.
He called the bombing a «counterattack,» a response to government raids at Ruby Ridge, in Idaho in 1992, and outside Waco, Tex., in 1993.
Often local, state, and federal governments raid the value of assets meant to fund future expenditures in order to fund current spending needs.
Apparently, the company is deleting files it's legally obligated to keep, and it has the capability yo remotely encrypt computers during government raids to prevent data extraction.
Their tips led to government raids of 35 HCA locations in 1997, and to HCA's payment of a landmark fine.
(A government raid of his lawyer would seem to bolster his argument that the «deep state» is coming after him guns - a-blazing.)
In 2012, Russia required foreign missionaries to file detailed reports and subject themselves to government raids and audits; since then, the NGO sector shrunk by a third.
You mean the government raids on local farmers selling raw milk because the big bro says it's not good for you.
He also says the Attorney General could have intervened in the Espada investigation much earlier, which could have avoided a government raid on the Bronx lawmaker's non-profit organization.
The government raids the mine and throws the workers in jail.
The tale of how the government raided the fund that was supposed to be used to install seat belts on school buses is a sad and shocking reminder that while it may be true that state of Connecticut presently «enjoys» a surplus, things are not always what they seem.
Perhaps the bitcoin community has deviated too far from these principles and, as a direct result, hacks, flash crashes, government raids and lawsuits against centralized exchanges might slow wider adoption and dash hopes of greater financial freedom, all in the name of expediency.
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