Sentences with phrase «government scientists»

The phrase "government scientists" refers to scientists who work for the government. They use their expertise to conduct research, analyze data, and provide scientific advice to help the government make informed decisions and policies. Full definition
It will include rules to protect government scientists from political interference in their work, and from having their findings manipulated to support a particular political position.
It's become so difficult to try to get an interview with government scientists that a lot of reporters have stopped trying, she said.
Federal government scientists described restrictions on their speech in a survey that year and another released today.
Most government scientists have been ordered to stay at home, their offices and labs closed or run by a skeleton staff of «essential» workers.
I think they were looking at two things: to clean up processes but also to protect government scientists from political and other kinds of pressure.
As a result, the number of contacts between government scientists and the news media has been greatly reduced.
Their beef: After government scientists publish major research, they are frequently restricted from speaking to the media.
An industry or government scientist moves to academia or to the nonprofit sector.
Not so long ago, academics and government scientists insured that the basic building blocks of science were freely available to everyone.
A year after the 2012 paper was published, government scientists looked into the research.
Three years later, a team of university and government scientists showed that handling receipt paper could bring BPA into the body.
Her mysterious powers have government scientists trying to locate her for further study.
Over the last few years I have been surprised to see that some normally critical and analytical members of the press have treated a few government scientists as if their opinions were above question.
How many other «climate change» researchers and government scientists blame humans on any ecological anomaly to gain attention, and cash in on the grant - driven global warming gravy train?
Anyone who has ever had to track down an old order - in - council or find a controversial pollution report by government scientists will appreciate how hard it can be.
Their crime is that some of them are federal government scientists and some have received peer - reviewed government grants.
on a U.S. Government Scientist who admitted that «climate model software doesn't meet the best standards available.»
[23] An 2015 analysis by US government scientists in the journal Nature and Climate Change suggested that if temporary natural fluctuations were ignored then world was probably now warming at a rate of about 0.2 °C per decade — higher than the IPCC's longer - term average.
Earlier this month, Climate Depot reported on a U.S. Government Scientist who admitted that «climate model software doesn't meet the best standards available.»
Unusually warm ocean temperatures this year have led to mass devastation of the world's corals, and prospects for their long - term survival are grim, a top government scientist said yesterday.
The Harper government has abandoned Canada's climate commitments, cut back on science spending and muzzled government scientists who might stray from the official line.
Mr. Dickson repeats the old conspiracy theory that government scientists working on temperature data are falsifying records, but his source, unspecified «analysis» by Joe D'Aleo, is unclear.
However, tipped as the «sacrificial lamb» during the Hutton inquiry into the death of government scientist David Kelly — due to his role as defence secretary at the time of the war and stiff performance during the investigation — Hoon in fact emerged unscathed, not leaving defence until after the 2005 election, and only then for the job of leader of the Commons.
And in 2007, even after acknowledging that the polar bear deserves federal protection due to global warming, the administration put a gag order on government scientists traveling abroad to prevent discussion of climate change, Arctic sea ice and polar bears.
A former government scientist with a top security clearance has been charged with attempted espionage.
Government scientist Dr David Kelly was unlikely to have committed suicide, according to new claims from a Liberal Democrat MP who has been investigating the death.
Seabed explorer and former top government scientist Sylvia Earle is angry at events in the Gulf — but still hopeful about the planet's prospects
In a report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), government scientists found levels of PFOA, PFOS and other perfluorinated chemicals in blood samples taken from a representative sample of the American population from 1999 to 2000.
E.T. rigs up a communication device from junk he finds around the house, but no one knows if he'll be rescued before a group of government scientists gets hold of him.
Synopsis: When government scientist Xavier Fitch (Ben Kingsley) intercepts a space transmission containing the genetic sequence for an alien life form, he us... [MORE]
As recently as 2009, British government scientists warned of a possible catastrophic 4 degrees Celsius global temperature increase by 2060.
Canadian government scientists barred from communicating with journalists without media officers;
Developed by Shell Canada with the help of government scientists at Natural Resources Canada's CANMET Energy Technology Centre facility in... Read more →
Earlier this year, government scientists discovered a welcome bundle of joy: a nest of seabird chicks on the Channel Islands off California's coast.
Two prominent U.S. Government scientists made two separate admissions questioning the reliability of climate models used to predict warming decades and hundreds of years into the future.
More: MIT Global Climate Change 90 % Chance That Temperature Rise Can be Held to 2 Degrees Celsius, If Nations Spend 2 % of GDP on the Problem International Energy Agency: 6 °C Temperature Hike Could Be Possible Prepare for 4 Degree Celsius Rise in Temperature, Top UK Government Scientist Warns
Droughts and dust storms are being predicted by government scientists studying plant growth and soil erosion in the Southwest United States.
Ironically, U.S. government scientists claimed to eliminate the 15 - year «hiatus» during the 21st century by adjusting sea surface temperatures upwards — a move that doubled the warming trend during that time.
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