Sentences with phrase «governmental plans»

The researchers say their study highlights the shortcomings of governmental plans to limit climate change.
One has been through governmental planning and bureaucratic management.
Reducing the sugar content and replacing refined sugars with natural alternatives will be further intensified throughout 2017 in line with governmental plans to reduce sugar intake and tackle diabetes and obesity.
Since it's a multi-employer governmental plan, it had to to be created by the State.
Many governmental plans are now in place to recruit and retain foreigners into Japan's scientific sphere; however, there are still some barriers for foreign scholars who would like to build their career in Japan, including a general lack of linguistic prowess and difficulty navigating cultural nuances.
Focuses on central governmental planning and distribution and takes care of citizens» personal lives, using taxpayers» money.
We note that, because under § 158.242 (b)(3) group health plans that are not governmental plans and are not subject to ERISA (such as church plans) must follow the same rebate distribution rules in order to receive the rebate directly, the same distribution deadline will apply to such plans.
The Aadhar Card also simplifies the transfer of benefits of any existing or future governmental plans to its beneficiaries.
Democrats have proposed several different ideas as to how such a plan may be structured — a Medicare ‐ like insurance plan operated by the Department of Health and Human Services, a more independent entity where a third ‐ party administrator makes operational decisions, or State ‐ based governmental plans, perhaps including a buy ‐ in to State employee health insurance offerings.
As yet, the focus of governmental planning and action everywhere lags behind the emerging appreciation that the primary crisis for world order concerns the dynamics of ecological disequilibrium.
I said when he comes up with his governmental plans, he should come to Albany, present the plans to the legislative leaders and myself.
«I said, when he comes up with his governmental plans, he should come to Albany, present the plans to legislative leaders and myself,» Cuomo said.
In 2011, the IRS published an «advance notice of rulemaking» seeking public comment on a proposal to define the term «governmental plan» under its tax code.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Treasury issued guidance regarding specific rules they are considering that relate to whether a State retirement system that covers employees of a charter school will fall within the meaning of a «governmental plan» under IRS laws.
but nothing in this paragraph may be construed to provide that any loan made under a governmental plan under section 414 (d), or a contract or account under section 403 (b), of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 constitutes a claim or a debt under this title;
but nothing in this paragraph may be construed to provide that any loan made under a governmental plan under section 414 (d), or a contract or account under section 403 (b), of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 constitutes a claim or a debt under this title; or
Your most recent health coverage (link to FAQs page) was under a group health plan, governmental plan, or church plan, or health insurance coverage offered in connection with any such plan; or
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