Sentences with phrase «grab hold of the story»

But there's still more than enough time for education reporters and editors to grab hold of the story.

Not exact matches

And then, despite the despair or the apathy that grabs hold of us all in this world, then would you remain open to how your own story may intersect with Haiti's story?
Technology like the Rosetta probe's radio scanner and its lander's harpoon (see main story) could aid bids to grab hold of asteroids and hunt for buried treasure, says Wlodek Kofman of IPAG in Grenoble, France, who is on the Rosetta team.
If you found yourself getting a bit weepy when watching Finding Nemo, Toy Story 3, Up and Inside Out, you will certainly find Sadness grabbing a hold of the control panel during several moments of The Good Dinosaur.
With his writing - directing debut, Ryan Gosling shows audacious skill as a visual artist but never quite manages to recount a story that grabs hold of the audience.
The problem is that once I grab hold of an idea, it's really hard for me not to run with it, and the ideas for more stories set in NetVerse are a-flowing.
From the opening paragraph this story grabs and hauls you off into the wonders of darkly wooded world and just as sincerely holds you captive.
I remember when Nicholas Sparks wrote THE NOTEBOOK, and, when the bestselling status continued, he mused if maybe it was because the story was shorter, easier to grab hold of as a reader.
With its limited story, steep learning curve, generic art style and lack of level variation, Max Carnage is a game that is incredibly niche and is unlikely to grab and hold your attention unless you're a huge fan of table top style games that require a lot of tactical thinking.
Choosing your loadout is only half the story, though, weapons will only reload when they aren't being held, so you need to quickly get used to the flow of grabbing and dropping weaponry as needed to let it recharge.
The repeatedly cut - and - paste dungeon maps are a bit of a let - down when compared to the likes of Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 1 & 2, but are soon forgotten when the fantastic characters and story grab hold of you and whisk you down the 30 + hour road of action, magic, gore, blood, murder and loot.
Not one of the stories grabbed the national interest and held it.
As the bubble now pops some of those individuals are going to be held accountable, but behind all the attention grabbing stories the same process as has happened in the financial sector will become apparent.
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