Sentences with phrase «grab onto things»

The triggers control each leg while pressing A lets you grab onto things, with the sticks controlling your general direction of movement.
Unlike human babies, puppies can not grab onto things so they can appreciate its texture and other characteristics.
Infants, from the stage when they can grab onto things onward, love balls and learn a great deal from playing with them.
This baby unicorn loves to grab onto things... especially your fingers.
Mckenna has played with an Oball rattle since she was able to grab onto things and the Oball rattle is perfect for small babies who are learning to do just that, because its entire surface is easy to grasp.
Beckett (3 months) current milestone is laughing at his siblings and grabbing onto things (like my hair!)
Every time I jumped and tried to cling to walls, it felt as though I wasn't grabbing onto things like I should.

Not exact matches

So, for right now, I just want to narrow down our focus onto those first 8 seconds, and look at some of the things you can do to grab and hold your prospects» attention long enough to get him to open the envelope, so you can get the rest of your 20 seconds to pull him into your piece.
As soon as your baby can grab onto something, many things in your home can prove to be hazardous and it's up to you to make sure there's nothing that could pose a problem.
If you've done this technique correctly and intensely, your hamstrings will probably feel like jelly and you might find yourself prone to falling down suddenly (this is not a joke - I can't tell you how many things I've had grab onto to catch myself on after doing a hard set of these)!
And another thing that I've shown in one of my other videos is that you can actually grab a pole or something in front of you to help with the counterbalance, or even hold a kettle bell like this so the weight will keep you more forward so you're not falling back onto your heels.
We were built to grab and hold onto things, so these muscles will not be as strong.
What will you do when buying your next phone will you grab one of the current flagship devices or will you hold onto your device for another three to six agonizing months and wait for «the next big thing» to come our way?
I wonder if we are when I hear so many folks grabbing onto the phrase «settling» or «settling out,» as in a suggestion here and there that ebook pricing may be soon «settling out» — or that CEOs may be be so upbeat on how the digital transition is going that they think things will soon «settle» for publishing.
When you pick the Nook up, the first thing to grab your attention is the rubberized, carved - out backing that gives your fingers something to grab onto.
To discourage your bird from chewing on the newly painted cage try attaching perches, ropes, and other things your bird can grab onto on the sides of the cage using wire.
It's a little more, especially on the UNSC side of things, it's a little more modern - day, a little more realistic, a little easier to grab onto in that way.»
Lately I grab things that catch my eye and stick them onto the paintings.
It is hard to put ones finger on it, but there is this non-linear chasm an artist's imagination can fall into and instead of grabbing onto something concrete or previously believed to be the way things «should» be one allows uninhibited reactive expressions in various forms to emerge and flow.
Grabbing a hold of contentment can be a challenge but hopefully we can still hang onto the fun of dreaming: — RRB -... while we keep things in perspective.
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