Sentences with phrase «grace for such things»

We depend solely on His love and grace for such things.

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The effect of such radically transformative grace, according to the Augustinian tradition and the young Luther, is that the heart loves God above all things for His own sake; in Augustine's terms, we come to enjoy God and use created things for God's sake, rather than attempting to «use» God for the sake of created enjoyments.
It also would have been useful for these writers to consider C — Pop within the broader context of niche — driven evangelicalism, exemplified by congregations such as Willow Creek and Grace Chapel, publishing houses that market things like «the women's Bible,» and even those evangelist muscle men who thrill pre — teens by shattering bricks with their heads — all for Jesus of course.
This is why it is always wise to responds to such people with as much grace and dignity as you can muster, for your response to them in this way might be just the thing that helps them see that it is okay to question tradition and follow the Spirit's leading away from institutional religion.
To prepare for mission, in this view of things, would require the members of a congregation to discount their self - serving stuff, attempting to slough it off in order to offer their more recognizably Christian hopes and actions, such as the grace and love witnessed in their Communion, to other people.
One is to be more confident of the good things that they're doing and make it clear to people who are gathered for worship what an extraordinary thing this is and how such gatherings are suffused with grace.
Jessica Wolstenholm, Grace for Moms [«Be Comfortable in Your Skin»] Dr. Kathleen Berchelmann, Children's Mom Docs [«Better Sleep Makes Better Parents»]-LCB- Father's Day Special Guest -RCB- Matt Warner, The Radical Life [«Most Important Thing Dad Can Do»]-LCB- Father's Day Special Guest -RCB- Dr. Harley Rotbart, No Regrets Parenting [«Division of Labor»]-LCB- Father's Day Special Guest -RCB- Michael Hyatt, [«Getting it Down Helps Get it Done»]-LCB- Father's Day Special Guest -RCB- Michael Mitchell, Life to Her Years [«No Such Thing as a Perfect Parent»]-LCB- Father's Day Special Guest -RCB- Steve Wiens, [«A Lesson in Love — From a Rash»]-LCB- Father's Day Special Guest -RCB- Jason Good, [«How'd Parents Survive Before TV?»]
But her saving grace is how Ines mostly tolerates her goofy pop as best she can while he mingles among her colleagues and says and does ridiculous thingssuch as renting a Hummer limo for himself or posing as an ambassador from Germany.
Knight is responsible for having scripted such well - received drama / thriller fare as Dirty Pretty Things and Eastern Promises, in addition to biographical dramas (Amazing Grace, Pawn Sacrifice) and intimate character studies alike (Locke).
But remember: stranger things have happened, such as Sonic and Mario teaming up for their Olympic Games series, or the former gracing Super Smash Bros. or Super Mario Maker.
SLR satellite data includes things such as the «GIA Adjustment» — which is the amount of SLR that there would have been if the ocean basin hadn't increased in volume and in the case of this new study, how much higher the sea surface would have been if it had not been suppressed by the Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption, another correction for ENSO / PDO «computed via a joint cyclostationary empirical orthogonal function (CSEOF) analysis of altimeter GMSL, GRACE land water storage, and Argo - based thermosteric sea level from 2005 to present», as well as other additions and adjustments — NONE OF WHICH can actually be found manifested in any change to the physical Sea Surface Height.»
Avoiding tickets and fines for things such as not wearing a seatbelt will put you in the good graces of the insurance company.
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