Sentences with phrase «grade distribution»

From an administrative perspective, a big success was seeing improvement in grade distribution reports.
The result was that this group of disadvantaged students, who were 200 points lower on the SAT than students in Laude's larger section, had exactly the same grade distribution as the students in the larger section.
However, we noticed too many students becoming ineligible for sports and activities, not enough National Junior Honor Society members, too many average students at risk of not moving on to high school, and unbalanced grade distribution reports.
A chart from p. 50 of Indiana's application for an NCLB waiver spelling out the state's projections for school letter grade distribution by 2020.
Skills Manufacturing and product distribution start up experience OSHA requirements knowledge... a 435, 000 square foot food grade distribution center Lead a team of 3 supervisors and 75 teammates
The authors examined not only changes in the grade distribution over time but also changes in the educational system and in the characteristics of the student populations.
For this study we matched the grade distribution of the cohort to their grade distribution from June 2017.
We can use the achievement of the cohort in their most recent set of exams to guide us to the grade distribution.
School Progression and the Grade Distribution of Students: Evidence from the Current Population Survey Education researchers have long made inferences about grade retention from the grade
Kevy was surprised by the findings, particularly the grade distribution.
Educators seeking to reform grading must combat five long - held traditions that stand as formidable obstacles to change: (1) Grades should provide the basis for differentiating students; (2) grade distributions should resemble a bell - shaped curve; (3) grades should be based on students» standing among classmates; (4) poor grades prompt students to try harder; and (5) students should receive one grade for each subject or course.
So when they see those grade distributions, which often show that a high percentage of students get As, they may invest a little less effort in their coursework.
When teachers were presented with their grade distribution at every progress report and report card, they could see that too many of their students were failing.
What is the grading distribution for each?
The law schools are, of course, complicit in this process by purporting to normalize the grade distribution in each class.
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